Meet Ulysses, a middle class man back from the dead. He was thought lost at sea for ten years but he was actually alive this whole time, trying to come back home. People would have known him as clever, warm and friendly prior to his "death".
Some cliff notes:
He was a Ravenclaw from 1874-1881. He played Chaser from 1875-1881.
He began working for Seabound Sorcery Trading Company as a sailor after he graduated in 1881.
He and the ship he left on left and subsequently went missing in Early 1884. They had reached Greece, their final destination but never came back. He is the sole survivor.
He has been in love with and determined to marry the same girl since his late teens.
Side note, I would love Past threads set either during his school days or any time before he left!
hmmm Angie Swan might be a decent connection? Ravenclaw a couple years behind, worked internationally, had been on a boat with Alfred at one point? She was still in school when he disappeared though, so might be tough.
Yo bro when are we coming home and where did I find you? I will start a thread before we show up in England if you give me those deets <3
Don Juan is his age! Ezra was a year above him! I am always interested in past threads of any variety! Dru & Ford also overlapped him in school a bit. Dru thinks he's hot. Anyway.
(January 17, 2025 – 5:33 AM)Henry Berkwood Wrote: He and Georgia were year/housemates!
That is apparently my best connection that's active. XD
He would have been friendly towards her.
(January 19, 2025 – 12:53 AM)Daffodil Grimstone Wrote: hmmm Angie Swan might be a decent connection? Ravenclaw a couple years behind, worked internationally, had been on a boat with Alfred at one point? She was still in school when he disappeared though, so might be tough.
(January 19, 2025 – 1:03 AM)J. Alfred Darrow Wrote: Yo bro when are we coming home and where did I find you? I will start a thread before we show up in England if you give me those deets <3
Don Juan is his age! Ezra was a year above him! I am always interested in past threads of any variety! Dru & Ford also overlapped him in school a bit. Dru thinks he's hot. Anyway.
Somewhere beyond Greece! A previously unexplored pocket between the Spain and Greece areas. I am not a geographic person. It's *vague handwave* over there. When is up to you, it's your ship lol.
He would have been friendly with all those people! If he clocked Dru thinking he was hot, he ignored it but wasn't an ass about it lol.
The only people I have close to his age are Irene Crawley (I feel like they could bond over shipwreck/sea related traumas lmfao) and Hestia! I feel like I should have more but uhhh apparently I do not D<