— The —
Daily Prophet
Price One Knut
June 17th, 1888
Fog Theory "Ridiculous" and "Insulting"
Vampire Responds To Yesterday's Letter
Yesterday, an anonymous letter regarding the possible effects of the mysterious fog on the supernatural residents of the magical community was published in this paper. Mere hours later, a response was received from sister of the late Minister and recently-revealed vampire, Charlotte Lyra Potter, regarding the subject of vampirism and the fog.
"The idea that a cloud which strips magic of its ability to work may have some lasting effect on my kind is utterly ridiculous, and the implication in the letter that our condition is one all vampires might wish to be 'cured' of is both presumptuous and insulting. Although most vampires do not ask to be transformed (as I myself certainly did not), we are not quite so wretched as your anonymous letter-writer seems to believe. The need for blood as sustenance can be easily managed by anyone with a desire to do so, and there is nothing that ought to prevent a vampire from living out a long and productive life just as any other resident of magical Britain might — nothing, that is, except the prejudice inherent in wizarding society which prevents many of them from seeking gainful employment or integrating into society.
Moreover, vampirism is not a curse; if it had its roots in enchantment, it may well have been 'cured' long ago. It is also equally possible for a Muggle to become a vampire as it is for a witch or wizard, something that is true of almost no magical affliction — a Muggle could not become a werewolf, or catch a case of dragon-pox, which leaves cases such as those open to speculation on whether they might be affected by the disappearance of magic. Vampires, however, have existed for all of history, and will continue to exist regardless of what happens to the magical world.
I believe it would be remiss of me to write to the Prophet and not also to add that although yesterday's letter did not specifically deal with this issue, I am aware that many residents of Hogsmeade and Irvingly are concerned that the thick fog will create a greater danger of vampire 'attacks' as the blocked sunlight opens up previously restricted avenues of movement. This fear is also based in ignorance, as no amount of sunlight can truly prevent a vampire from moving from place to place should they have a pressing need to do so, and it is fairly easy to take precautions against overexposure to sunlight. No one has anything more to fear from us in the fog than they would at any other point — and these fears have always been dramatically overblown. The majority of the vampire community is not seeking out ways to hurt anyone (wizards, Muggles, or otherwise), but rather fighting for equality and good favor."
Lyra Potter