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+---- Thread: (don't need your help) getting off of this carousel;; (/showthread.php?tid=16519)
(don't need your help) getting off of this carousel;; - Vincent Iago - January 5, 2025
Darling Gus,
To My only Friend--
Dec, 1894.
Thank you, Augustus, for all of your help and support in recent months. Only you know what it has been for me to suffer this... rupture and the mind-imbalance that has followed. You have aided me when no other dared, and for that-- I thank you.
I write now, belated and remiss in my lateness, to inform you that I have... gone away. For awhile.
Please do not fret. I will be in touch again soon.
Yours, always,
Vincent Iago.
P.S. Though I am going off, fret not-- I am straying far from Italy.
RE: (don't need your help) getting off of this carousel;; - Gus Lissington - January 5, 2025
Gus's eyebrows pinched together as he read the letter for what felt like the hundredth time. What did he mean, going away? Surely Gus wasn't that cursed that he'd lose every single person close to him, right?
I got your letter this morning, and I don't understand what you've written. What do you mean you've gone a way for a while? Where to? What for? Why? I’d have been there in a heartbeat to see if you or go with you, you know that.
Still, I think I understand. After everything you’ve been through, maybe this is what you need, a chance to breathe again. But that doesn’t mean I’m not worried. You’re one of my dearest friends, Vince, and I wish I could help you more with... well, everything. I won't pepper you with questions, but I hope it's not coming back.
Let me know you’re all right when you can. If you ever need a place to stay, the door is always open. The house elf knows you and would be happy to set up a room. (It's a wonderful place far from everything - next time you come, I'll show you my favorite cave to hide away in.)