Florist Potts OOC Orders -
Laurel Potts - October 29, 2024
Hello all! So I absolutely love creating bouquets for your characters, but often threads for that just don't have enough substance. SO here's my solution. There's a quick form below to post and I'll reply with the bouquet she'd create for you and tag the recipient.
Hope you all enjoy this! Welcome to Florist Potts.
@"Laurel Potts"
[b]Order from:[/b] Your character's name
[b]To be delivered to:[/b] Who is it going to IC?
[b]Order date:[/b] IC date it was ordered
[b]Date to be delivered:[/b] IC date of delivery
[b]Message/Directions/Specifications:[/b] What are you trying to say? What IC directions would you give? Do you have specific flowers you want included? What event is this for?
Laurel Potts
Order from: Jeremy Ashford
To be delivered to: Sloane Bixby
Order date: May 26
Date to be delivered: May 27
Message/Directions/Specifications: "I want to show her that I'm worried for her, for her health, that I have hope for us, and hope she knows of my affection."
A bouquet of snowdrops, ivy, sweet williams, blush roses, mint, cornflowers, and lilies of the valley for Miss Sloane Bixby is delivered to Mr. Jeremy Ashford for him to send with a letter.
RE: Florist Potts OOC Orders -
Sebastian Talbot - October 29, 2024
Laurel Potts
Order from: Sebastian Talbot
To be delivered to: Irene Crawley
Order date: Sept 1, 1894
Date to be delivered: Sept 10, 1894
Message/Directions/Specifications: Sorry for barging in, you’re a pain in my ass, I can’t stop thinking of you… and oh yeah, will you work for me? Emphasis on that last part. And maybe the apology. I guess. To be delivered directly to Ms. Crawley at the Magical Portrait Gallery with no note.
RE: Florist Potts OOC Orders -
Laurel Potts - October 29, 2024
A bouquet of hyacinths, hawthorn, pansies, apple blossoms, wheat, and columbines is delivered to Miss Irene Crawley at the Magical Portrait Gallery in London on the morning of September 10, 1894 conspicuously without a note.
Sebastian Talbot
RE: Florist Potts OOC Orders -
Salvatore Howlett - October 30, 2024
Laurel Potts
Order from: Salvatore Howlett
To be delivered to: Cordie Middlemiss
Order date: 20th October
Date to be delivered: 1st day back at school after wedding - delivery to Hogwarts
Message/Directions/Specifications: "To Mrs. Howlett. I hope school goes well, and I hope your predecessor, Miss Middlemiss, left everything as you like. With all my love, Salvatore"
An unsubtle gesture from a hopeless romantic.
RE: Florist Potts OOC Orders -
Laurel Potts - October 31, 2024
On the morning of October 29th a bouquet is delivered to Theodore Gallivan consisting of anemones, rue, rosemary, azaleas, snowdrops, red roses, no note has been provided.
Cassius Lestrange
RE: Florist Potts OOC Orders -
Laurel Potts - October 31, 2024
An elaborate arrangement of red roses, ivy, myrtle, clover, dogwood, hawthorn, holly, rosemary, and red zinnias was delivered to Cordie Middlemiss on the first day she resumes her lessons at Hogwarts. Nestled in the arrangement is a note: "To Mrs. Howlett. I hope school goes well, and I hope your predecessor, Miss Middlemiss, left everything as you like. With all my love, Salvatore"
ATTN: @"Salvatore Howelett"
RE: Florist Potts OOC Orders -
Laurel Potts - October 31, 2024
An elaborate arrangement of red roses, ivy, myrtle, clover, dogwood, hawthorn, holly, rosemary, and red zinnias was delivered to Cordie Middlemiss on the first day she resumes her lessons at Hogwarts. Nestled in the arrangement is a note: "To Mrs. Howlett. I hope school goes well, and I hope your predecessor, Miss Middlemiss, left everything as you like. With all my love, Salvatore"
Salvatore Howlett
RE: Florist Potts OOC Orders -
Estelle Malfoy - October 31, 2024
Laurel Potts
Order from: Estelle Malfoy
To be delivered to: Timoleon Maxime
Order date: 2 Nov
Date to be delivered: 4 Nov
Message/Directions/Specifications: Estelle would like to wish him a very miserable birthday, the sexy asshole, and also to remind him that she hates him with the fire of a thousand suns and that she hopes he ends up alone. However you can manage that. (To be sent with a birthday card just signed "E." He'll know who she is.)
RE: Florist Potts OOC Orders -
Timoleon Maxime - January 5, 2025
Laurel Potts
Order from: Timoleon Maxime
To be delivered to: Estelle Malfoy
Order date: 30 Dec 1894
Date to be delivered: 3 Jan 1895
Message/Directions/Specifications: Preferably old, decrepit flowers because Estelle is entering her old maid years. Of course, if Laurel refused that (as she should xD), then just some boring and dull flowers, but it should be one of the larger bouquets she's ever made, because Leo will flash all the money at her. However, at the very center, a large and bright red rose. No note. Estelle will know.
RE: Florist Potts OOC Orders -
Timoleon Maxime - January 5, 2025
Laurel Potts
Order from: Timoleon Maxime
To be delivered to: Victoire Malfoy
Order date: 31 Dec 1894
Date to be delivered: 3 Jan 1895
Message/Directions/Specifications: A bouquet of flowers that don't really mean much of anything. Bright, youthful colors. Leo wouldn't care as long as it looks nice. It should be slightly smaller than the one made for Estelle, but not noticeably smaller when just glancing at them. A note that says "you have a nice smile" (with no name signed) because well, Estelle will know what that means and who it’s from. Should be delivered at the same time as Estelle's bouquet is.