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+---- Thread: MEMO: Important Personnel (/showthread.php?tid=1600)
MEMO: Important Personnel - Justin Ross - June 13, 2018
June 13th, 1888
Dear [First Last]*,
June 10th
Please be advised that you are expected to be on-call and continuing to attend work despite the ongoing situation with the fog. Due to the importance of your work, should you live in Hogsmeade you will be able to use the train to get to King's Cross Station using your Ministry of Magic identification badge should the fog spread further. Use of the identification badge for travel will only apply to your own person due to the low visibility caused by the fog.
Those of you who are called to study the fog directly will be apparating to the MA&C designated safe-apparition points within and outside of the fog; see MA&C fog memo 13b for more information.
Office of the Minister
Ministry of Magic
London, England