Saturday, September 14th, afternoon — Quidditch Pitch
This was both his third and final year as Ravenclaws Quidditch Captain and Nico felt bittersweet about that. There were a lot of roles to fill so he hoped new talent would be showing up. "Good afternoon, everyone," Nico began when most had gathered up. "As you might have surmised, I am Ravenclaw's Quidditch Captain and my name is Nicodemus Dursley. Today we are looking to fill two chaser spots, a beater spot and we need a Keeper."
He waited for the group to take that in before continuing on. "You will be doing drills designed for the position you are trying out for and those of you trying out for multiple positions will have to do each one for the position you are trying out for in turns. I will blow my whistle to indicate when you should switch drills."
"Those of you trying out for chaser will fly in pairs, as fast as you can three times around the pitch while also passing a Quaffle to and from each other as many times as possible before ultimately attempting to get the Quaffle through one of the goal hoops at the opposite end of the pitch." He let the crowd take in the task before letting the Keepers know what they would be doing.
"Keepers, your job will be to attempt to block the aforementioned goal from going in as well as extra Quaffles that will be thrown into each of the other two hoops by the enchanted dummies over there." Near the opposite ends pitch floated two dummies with Quaffles.
"Beaters, I have set up ten targets at varying places around the pitch. But you will find that they will move. Your job is to hit as many as you can with the bludgers whilst also keeping bludgers from hitting the chaser and keeper hopefuls."
Well, that was that. "You may begin."
Please post once for each position you are trying out for. Make sure you have filled in the requisite form and have received a “like” from Kayte before posting! The deadline for all posts is 10:59pm EST on September 10th.
By posting in this thread, you agree to have your character present and whole regardless of what happens between the date of posting and the IC date listed.
Tao was nervous, to say the least. Max and Cal had helped him practice at the end of last year, and of course he had a couple years of experience under his belt due to being in the flying club and the quidditch club, but standing on the field was still nerve-wracking. He listened to the instructions with his undivided attention, nodding along as he absorbed all of the information of what was expected of him.
He was trying out to be a keeper. Tao mounted his broom and inhaled sharply before ascending, knowing that he was going to try his best to defend the quaffles that would be coming his way. Hopefully he'd do well enough to make the team.
RE: Eagles Taking Flight [Ravenclaw Tryouts 1894] - Phineas Black II - September 2, 2024
Phin was nervous, of course, but he at least felt better about his odds with so many spots open. He was also secretly glad to be trying out for Ravenclaw, where if he made it, no one could claim it was through nepotism. Or if he didn't make it, that he was so bad even nepotism couldn't save him. That might actually be worse.
Heading up into the air for chaser first, Phin set about passing the quaffle and trying to score, hoping that, if nothing else, he didn't make a fool of himself.
RE: Eagles Taking Flight [Ravenclaw Tryouts 1894] - Phineas Black II - September 2, 2024
One down, two more to go. Phin felt a little more confident as he started his keeper tryout, feeling like he was getting into the groove of things as he attempted to block the quaffles coming his way.
RE: Eagles Taking Flight [Ravenclaw Tryouts 1894] - Phineas Black II - September 2, 2024
Once more, Phin took to the air, this time as a beater, knocking beaters towards the moving targets and trying his best to keep them away from the chasers.
RE: Eagles Taking Flight [Ravenclaw Tryouts 1894] - Jameson Potter - September 10, 2024
Though the quaffle definitely fumbled (just once or twice!) as Jameson made his pass around the pitch for his chaser tryouts, the boy thought he hadn't made an absolute fool of himself as he landed. Chaser, for the first year, would be a second choice position anyways.
RE: Eagles Taking Flight [Ravenclaw Tryouts 1894] - Jameson Potter - September 10, 2024
Indeed, it was keeper that was the Ravenclaw's goal, and he kicked off from the ground to begin his second trial of the day.
(The school broomstick was a bit wobbly; hopefully if he made the team, Aunt Odira would allow him to purchase a broomstick of his own. He had the money—scads of it, really—but quite rightly would not have control of his own purse strings until adulthood.)
Now that he was the one guarding the hoops intead of trying to score on them, Jammy thought they were quite a bit larger, quite a bit further apart, than they had been minutes ago. Diligently, the lad set about trying to block as many of the quaffles as he could, and trying not to view any misses as a Personal Failing.