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The Cookie Cop Out - Edric Umbridge - June 10, 2018

09 June, 1888
Miss Lynch,

The cookies were a favorite among my coworkers, so much so that I'm afraid their notoriety spread outside the Auror Office. Many were hoping they might get the recipe out of you—if that would not be a trouble.

Mr. E. Umbridge

RE: The Cookie Cop Out - February Umbridge - June 10, 2018

June 10th, 1888
Mr. Umbridge,

I'm afraid you are out of luck. Mrs. Harding does not share her cookie recipes. My apologies to your staff, I do hope they understand.
Miss February M. Lynch

RE: The Cookie Cop Out - Edric Umbridge - June 10, 2018

10 June, 1888
Miss Lynch,

What a shame; Mrs. Harding's cookies will be sorely missed by everyone, myself included.

I do hope you haven't been adversely affected by the situation in Irvingly?

Best regards,
Mr. E. Umbridge

RE: The Cookie Cop Out - February Umbridge - June 10, 2018

June 10th, 1888
Mr. Umbridge,

I haven't any reason to be in  Irvingly unless we're visiting the zoo, which apparently we won't be doing for a little bit. I do hope it's sorted soon.
Miss February M. Lynch

RE: The Cookie Cop Out - Edric Umbridge - June 10, 2018

10 June, 1888
Miss Lynch,

As do I. We've kept an auror presence there in case of emergency. While the fog seems harmless in substance, it unfortunately has caused numerous complications for the residents there—crimes included.

Do you live in Hogsmeade, or do you reside elsewhere?

Best regards,
Mr. E. Umbridge

RE: The Cookie Cop Out - February Umbridge - June 10, 2018

June 10th, 1888
Mr. Umbridge,

That's quite unfortunate, best of luck in handling it. Stay safe. I do most fortunately reside in Hogsmeade, which is currently fog-free and hopefully will stay that way.
Miss February M. Lynch

RE: The Cookie Cop Out - Edric Umbridge - June 10, 2018

11 June, 1888
Miss Lynch,

London living fortunately means avoiding much of the danger, at least at home. I know the Summer Solstice Festival is returning soon; if you choose to attend, keep your guard up.

Many aurors—myself included—will be stationed in the area. We neither want a repeat of last year's monstrosity or the damage from the 1884 festival.

Well wishes,
Mr. E. Umbridge

RE: The Cookie Cop Out - Edric Umbridge - June 11, 2018

12 June, 1888
Miss Lynch,

Forgive me for pestering you, but this is related to the incident involving your maid.

I must request that you return to the Auror Office for another witness statement following statements made by the suspect. Might tomorrow morning do?

Well wishes,
Mr. E. Umbridge

RE: The Cookie Cop Out - February Umbridge - June 11, 2018

June 12th, 1888
Mr. Umbridge,

I'm afraid it would be terribly inconvenient for me to trek all the way down to the Ministry itself tomorrow. Should you require something of me, I'm sure you've acquired my address by now; you'll know where to find me.
Miss February M. Lynch

RE: The Cookie Cop Out - Edric Umbridge - June 11, 2018

12 June, 1888
Miss Lynch,

It would hardly be appropriate for me to show up at your home, even as an auror on official business. I must insist that you come; I am unopposed to changing the date if tomorrow morning is inconvenient.

Mr. E. Umbridge

RE: The Cookie Cop Out - Edric Umbridge - June 11, 2018

unsent & written at dark

12 June, 1888
Miss Lynch,

You're insufferable, you know that?

Mr. E. Umbridge

RE: The Cookie Cop Out - Edric Umbridge - June 12, 2018

sent in the afternoon after this

13 June, 1888
Miss Lynch,

The suspect has taken a plea deal, and as such, your presence in court will not be required.

Thank you for your cooperation; I shall pester you with case-related matters no longer.

Mr. E. Umbridge

RE: The Cookie Cop Out - February Umbridge - June 13, 2018

June 13th, 1888
Mr. Umbridge,

Thank you for keeping me updated on the case. I do hope he lands in Azkaban at least for a little while.

Mother showed me the newspaper from the other day, matters in Irvingly seem more serious than I had originally been informed of. I hope it is settled soon and that you and your department remain safe. I would hate to have to visit you in the hospital, I fear I'm not allowed to ask Mrs. Harding for cookies at the moment.

Miss February M. Lynch

RE: The Cookie Cop Out - Edric Umbridge - June 13, 2018

14 June, 1888
Miss Lynch,

Auror Rosier is expected to fully recover. Every summer this decade has brought its own drama, but I sincerely hope this one will be less tragic in nature. My main concern is that the arrival of the fog and the upcoming Summer Solstice Festival are correlated.

I would advise you to stay alert, but I fear that may warrant another punch to the jaw.

I should hope that our interaction yesterday left you suffering few consequences. I would rather write to your parents with an admission of my own obnoxious behavior than see you punished.

Mr. E. Umbridge

RE: The Cookie Cop Out - Edric Umbridge - June 16, 2018

all of the following are unsent

15 June, 1888
Miss Lynch,

I can't believe you kissed me, you devilish vixen.

15 June, 1888
Miss Lynch,

I'm not sure what message you were trying to convey with that display of affection, but I did not appreciate it.

15 June, 1888
Miss Lynch,

Toying with a gentleman's heart is what earns you a

RE: The Cookie Cop Out - Edric Umbridge - June 16, 2018

15 June, 1888
Miss Lynch,

Are you safe at home?

They released me from the hospital not but two hours after you departed. I am, naturally, back at work, but the department has just as naturally kept me at my desk for the remainder of the day.

Warm regards,
Mr. E. Umbridge