I Hate You & I'm Leaving - Printable Version

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I Hate You & I'm Leaving - Tiberius Lestrange - June 9, 2018

25 June 1888

I will be traveling for work-related business first thing tomorrow. I shall be gone several weeks at a minimum and the task at hand may take some time longer; do not expect me at home.

I trust you will be able to keep the house without subjecting yourself to embarrassment or calamity in my absence.


RE: I Hate You & I'm Leaving - Antigone Lestrange - July 16, 2018

June 28th, 1888

You write very imperiously, as though you believe yourself to by my husband when this cannot be for I am sure I do not have one.

Do as you please, I don't care what you do or where you go.

A. Lestrange

RE: I Hate You & I'm Leaving - Tiberius Lestrange - July 23, 2018

30 June 1888

I'll send Tatiana to check in on you.
