I meant to write sooner, but my mother has hardly left my side since I've returned home. She asks about every letter I sent, be it the Quidditch League or my healer. I could not risk her seeing any letter I sent you.
I know my departure overseas was abrupt, but I must once again reiterate that I wouldn't have left without a goodbye had I not been overwhelmed by everything that was going on. By that point I was too embarrassed with my health to write anyone, lest I be forced to confess how weak I truly was. But know that every time I picked up my quill and considered writing, it was always with the intention of writing to you.
How are you? I wish to hear it all.
RE: A Change of Pace - Rowan Yaxley - June 17, 2024
20 March 1894
I suppose I understand that. But you must have known that above all people I wouldn't have held your health as any sort of measurement against you.
I wish you had written. I can't help but point out the last time we were together and what happened. Or how not hearing from you led me to believe the worst; that you'd regretted everything.
I hated not hearing from you. I thought you'd left for good. I don't even know why I'm telling you this it's not like we have ever had a history of being as intimate
I know that now, I think. But my mind was as weak as my body under the effects of every spell and potion I was taking. I could not help but the think the worst of myself, and by extension assume that everyone would as well. I am not proud of it, but I am willing to admit it.
I will not leave again, if you can bring yourself to believe me. I do understand if your feelings you wish to distance yourself from me. Just know that my feelings are unchanged.
RE: A Change of Pace - Rowan Yaxley - June 17, 2024
22 March 1894
Please don't make promises you can't afford to keep, Raphael. I couldn't bear it if
I can't imagine what feelings you're speaking of seeing as we've never even talked about such things.
I'm not one to make promises so carelessly. I have apologized, and explained myself to the best of my abilities. If you choose to assume the worst of me, I suppose our is not what I once thought.
Do you wish me to spell it out? To beg? Because I will not.
If you don't wish for promises, what would you like me to say?
RE: A Change of Pace - Rowan Yaxley - September 2, 2024
30 March 1894
It's not what I wish you to say, but do.
RE: A Change of Pace - Raphael Malfoy - September 3, 2024
1 April, 1894
You are a horrid woman. I cannot stand you.
When can I see you?
RE: A Change of Pace - Rowan Yaxley - September 4, 2024
1 April 1894
I'm sure you jest.
I should have a free afternoon sometime this week.
RE: A Change of Pace - Raphael Malfoy - September 4, 2024
1 April, 1894
You would like to know, wouldn't you.
Send an owl when you're free. I will make the time work.