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Time is Standing Still - Jeremy Ashford - April 25, 2024

April 22, 1894 - Countryside Estate, England, @Living Sculptures Event

"I think," Jeremy said slowly, spinning around to take in the three other paths, "That the enchanted statues are this way?" Honestly he had no idea. He was completely lost but there was no way he wished Miss Sinclair to know just how lost he was. He'd hoped to spend a lovely afternoon with her, to give her a chance to see something knew and already, only a few minutes into the outing he was lost. Really it was maddening.

"Which way would you like to go?" He found himself asking the lovely lady beside him with half a bow, rather than continuing to press blindly on. This afternoon was all about her and he was determined that it would be the perfect afternoon.

@"Sadie Sinclair"

RE: Time is Standing Still - Sloane Bixby - May 4, 2024

It was April now and Sadie was still in Hogsmeade. Her uncle's health was starting to improve, but fortunately Mr. Ashford's interest had not gone unnoticed and she was hoping it would be enough for them to stay a little longer, at least for maybe the season itself. London was so easy to get to from Hogsmeade and it wouldn't be hard to partake in both places.

She was pleased to have a chance to get out of the house today. Mr. Ashford's invitation to the sculpture garden was a welcome excuse to spend time with him and to enjoy some fresh air. With Albright in tow, the had been perusing the gardens for only a few moments when they came to a divergence in the path. "I am not fussed," she assured him with a smile. There was a delightful breeze, the sun was shining, they had no real timeline to follow. Sadie was more than content to just wander and spend the time in his company.

"Let's go left." She mused with a smile. "Unless there was something specific you were trying to find?" She did not necessarily have anything on her own request list, so was apt to just wander.

RE: Time is Standing Still - Jeremy Ashford - May 12, 2024

"Left sounds wonderful." Jeremy assured her offering his arm to her so he might tuck her hand in securely. He reslished such moments when he had an excuse to bring her closer, to be able to lean in close and offer words for her and her alone. It took away the weight of thinking what everyone else was thinking of what he said to her, instead he was able to focus on Miss Sinclair and Miss Sinclair alone.

He began to lead her down the path, "Is your uncle any better today?" He asked, picking up on a line of conversation from the last time he had seen Miss Sinclair. The generous kind humane part of Jeremy wished her uncle, like any man, would be back to full health soon. But there was a small selfish part of him that hoped he wouldn't for the good health of her uncle meant such easy visits would be gone, his excuses to see her would waste away and he'd be left with only letters which were woefully inadequate when compared with Miss Sinclair whose spirit was unable to fully be captured by pen and paper the way it was in person.

RE: Time is Standing Still - Sloane Bixby - May 13, 2024

Sadie took his offered arm gratefully, never quite good at navigating the grass in her shoes. Her balance hadn't been that great in recent memory, always tripping over her skirts or the stairs, but this helped keep her from getting caught up. (Some hemmed skirts also helped.) They started down the path and she kept an eye out for anything of interest as they wandered.

"He's alright, getting a little stronger. I think my aunt has resigned to staying in Hogsmeade until June." Sadie was hoping, that once she attended the Hogwarts debut, they could host her own in the little burg, or in London. Either was closer than going all of the way home. She wished to spend the summer in Hogsmeade, with the people she had met and the places she had come to love. She knew she would give a lot to make Hogsmeade her permanent residence, but she was at the mercy of her guardians. Hopefully they would at least let her stay the summer.

"I hope we can extend to the summer, but I understand why my uncle would like to get home." Being ill and away from home must have been hard. Sadie had made her home here, it didn't feel any different, in fact it felt more comfortable, but she had yet to express that to anyone.

RE: Time is Standing Still - Jeremy Ashford - May 13, 2024

As her hand looped into his arm Jeremy was reminded of how small Miss Sinclair was, it seemed as if each time he escorted her he found himself wondering over it renewed, as if she had not always been quite this small. Yet Miss Sinclair was beautiful and delicate and he marveled at how she fit beside him, small to his tall. Yet their steps matched and they traveled lightly together down the path, melding together as easily as Jeremy was beginning to hope their lives would.

"I'm glad to hear it." Jeremy murmured at the appropriate spot but found himself less concerned on Miss Sinclair's uncle than her future plans. June. Miss Sinclair had mentioned June, his heart perked up a beat at that. "You have not resigned yourself to June as well then?" He asked, although he had meant it teasing he was dismayed to find that his mind was clinging to her answer, wondering if she too worried about a severed connection between them.

RE: Time is Standing Still - Sloane Bixby - May 13, 2024

"I would stay in Hogsmeade permanently if given the option," Sadie admitted on a soft sigh before realizing what she had said. "But obviously it is not up to me." She added hastily, hoping he did not think her some fanciful child. Sadie's stay here in town was based off an inconvenience for them, never mind that it was making her the happiest in her working memory.

She chanced a glance up at him, and somehow knew he would not judge her for sharing. "I feel like I belong in Hogsmeade," she smiled slowly. "I'm sure it sounds silly, but it feels like home. I wish I could stay forever." There was just something about it that made her feel like she belonged here. Sadie couldn't rationalize what it was, could not put to words the feelings that overwhelmed her when she walked through town or found something new to admire, but she did feel like she could fit here nicely if given the chance. "Home is fine, and I know I cannot do magic, but I would like to be immersed in somewhere where I feel like I do not stand out." Perhaps it was childish after all, but she hoped it mad some kind of sense.

RE: Time is Standing Still - Jeremy Ashford - May 13, 2024

Jeremy's heart lightened at the confirmation that Miss Sinclair did not wish to leave any more than he wished her to leave. He paused in their walking, turning to face her, "You do belong in Hogsmeade." Jeremy found himself assuring her. The town would cease to shine and sparkle if Sadie no longer promised to be on its streets for a walk or gracing the tables of a dinner party. His free hand guided up to her's nestled in the crook of his arm, gently he placed it on top. He had been thinking of a moment like this for a while now, considering how he might broach the subject, how he might suggest where this was all leading. And now it was here.

"I would have you stay here in Hogsmeade if you would have it." He told her gravely, hoping she understood the layers of his words, the future he was offering, the promise his words held. He would offer her the world, not only because it was her wish, but because it was also his and it was a wish that he could grant. A wish that could bring them the promise of greater happiness, of a life that twined together, of walks together in Podmore Park and afternoons spent sipping tea and discussing books or her own curiosity, of balls where she arrived on his arm and nights where she curled up close to him. A promise, a wish, of a life together.

RE: Time is Standing Still - Sloane Bixby - May 18, 2024

Sadie followed his lead and came to a stop, looking up at him in surprise when he covered her hand with his. She felt herself blushing at his confirmation that she belonged in Hogsmeade. She knew it in her heart of hearts, but wasn't brave enough to say it aloud to anyone else before this. Mr. Ashford had always let her say what was on her mind without judgement and for that she was thankful. It was perhaps, one of the reasons she enjoyed his company so much.

Her expression turned curious as he continued, eyes widening as his words sunk in. She had wisely tried not to get too involved here, to keep her expectations tampered so that she might not be disappointed. Sadie had told herself that she could be satiated by their time together and that it likely wouldn't lead anywhere. Had she been wrong to do so? Being realistic had served her well, but here she was, standing on the precipice of something else entirely. "I—" she started, tongue tied for what she could possibly say. The would need to wait until she officially debuted right? Sadie was not certain of the proper route here, so was trying not to get too far ahead of herself.

"I would like that very much." She said finally, allowing herself this one small treasure, if nothing else. There would be social hoops to jump through, but if the intent was there, that was all she needed.

RE: Time is Standing Still - Jeremy Ashford - May 19, 2024

The world seemed to hang on a precipace with that pause, anxiously peering over the edge. A million different endings to this scene played through Jeremy's mind, images whipping through his mind like the wind at Sanditon's awful season closer. He almost felt frozen as he stood there, gloved fingers gentle on her own, hardly aware of anything other than what she might say.

His entire countenance lightened at her words, his eyes brightening and his soul lightening. He had been so many things for so many people, but Miss Sinclair - Sadie - he felt the most like himself around her. It had not been his intention to pursue her, to wish to entangle her life with his, and yet here he was, wishing, hoping, breathing this in like a need.

Jeremy beamed down at Sadie, "I'll speak to your uncle this evening." He assured her. He would do this as above board as he could. As he had approached his entire relationship with her. He shifted so her hands were held in both of his. She was so small, so delicate before him, so young. It struck him again how young she was. Just on the edge of adulthood. Would his eagerness scare her? Would she come to regret a choice too hastily made?

He met her gaze, earnest, "We don't have rush this, we can come up with a plan. Go as fast or slow as you wish. But I am yours, should you have me."

RE: Time is Standing Still - Sloane Bixby - May 19, 2024

Of all of the ways Sadie had imagined being allowed to stay in Hogsmeade, this had certainly not been on the list! Half of the point of their holiday visit had been to allow her to ease her way into society, having gone a good six months without another relapse of memory. It seemed to have gone well, exponentially so!

He would speak to her uncle this evening! The rush of that hit her then and she had to suppress a giggle. Was that allowed? She was not officially presented into society. Perhaps Mr. Ashford and her uncle could devise something appropriate until she had the chance to debut? Would she need to if she was already spoken for? Surely her aunt would know the answer. "That works," she breathed out, smiling up at him, eyes softening in affection for his consideration. "It is an unusual predicament we find ourselves," Sadie chuckled again. "I do not know the best course of action, but if you're willing to be patient, we will figure it out." It all seemed too good to be true, but Sadie had been riddled with such rotten luck across her short life that she was sincerely hoping things were turning around.