Winnie had to laugh at that, pausing by the fire to warm her hands, finally able to slow down a little. That Emilia thought the snow unnatural was something. Em would know what could qualify, with all of her tinkering down in the bowels of the Ministry. "Is it ever not around here?" Fire, plagues, fog, curses. Hogsmeade, though more often a haven, had done its fair share of spells as hell.
"He's much younger, more energy. I'll wear myself out eventually." Or drink herself into a stupor, which she normally didn't do, but if she was going to be housebound for any length of time, there was no harm in getting drunk. At least she was here, with company and distractions. If she were home, Ivy would only entertain her for so long before she was left alone with her thoughts and that was never good these days. Too much time on her hands, or too long in solitude, she started to think about Dory. But that door had been closed and she knew she shouldn't go knocking anymore.