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let me wrap my teeth around the world - Noble Greengrass - October 28, 2023

October 30th, 1893 — Noble's workshop
He had invited cousin Lorelei into his workshop on the premise of having a question about an ingredient; he had no such question. It was an excuse to talk to her without the prying ears of their siblings. He waited to ask until the entrance to the workshop closed behind them.

"I need a favor," Noble asked. It would require some explanation, but — he was hoping that she would agree. Certainly no one else in the house would be willing!

RE: let me wrap my teeth around the world - Lorelei Owens - November 6, 2023

There had been a lot of changes in her life lately, but Lorelei had to admit that she appreciated having another potioneer in the house now. She'd left all of her contacts in the subject behind in Australia, and it was surprisingly lonely to be re-establishing herself somewhere else.

She raised an eyebrow at her cousin's words. "What sort of favor?"

RE: let me wrap my teeth around the world - Noble Greengrass - November 15, 2023

Do or die. He could only hope that she would not tell his mother. "Have you ever heard of spiritus sancti?" Noble asked, raising an eyebrow at his cousin — he drummed his fingers against one of the worktables to settle his nerves.

RE: let me wrap my teeth around the world - Lorelei Owens - November 20, 2023

Lorelei tilted her head to the side, thoughtfully. "No, I don't think so," she said. "What is it?"

RE: let me wrap my teeth around the world - Noble Greengrass - November 21, 2023

"A party potion from America," he explained — he ought not be surprised that their Australian cousins hadn't heard of it. (Noble assumed all thoughts were shared between Cousins Greer and Lorelei.) "It — separates the user from their body, for around an hour."

RE: let me wrap my teeth around the world - Lorelei Owens - December 2, 2023

"Sounds risky," Lorelei said, though she couldn't help being intrigued. It was hard not to be interested in strange potions, even if they were inherently dangerous. "Do you have it?"

RE: let me wrap my teeth around the world - Noble Greengrass - December 5, 2023

It did sound risky, but Noble shrugged at her. "Socialites are doing it," he said. (It could not be that bad if rich people were doing it, he was sure.) "But — yeah, I got a few doses from a friend."

RE: let me wrap my teeth around the world - Lorelei Owens - December 25, 2023

"Oh, yes, socialites--well known for being pillars of good sense." Lorelei's tone was grave, but she was clearly biting back a smile. Or, well, it would have been clear if she'd been talking to Greer, who knew her best. Whether Noble was as perceptive, she wasn't sure yet.

RE: let me wrap my teeth around the world - Noble Greengrass - January 9, 2024

Noble wasn't sure what she meant by that, so a beat passed where he looked at Lorelei before he smiled back at her. Was she having fun? He thought she was having fun. "I want to try making it," he confessed.

RE: let me wrap my teeth around the world - Lorelei Owens - January 13, 2024

That, at least, Lorelei had deduced already. Still, she said, "I should probably point out that it is a terrible idea." Because, well, it was. "But if you're looking for help, I suppose I can give that to you." He was an adult, after all, and presumably could make his own decisions--even if they were objectively ill-advised--but at the very least if she was there, there would be someone else to make sure he was smart about it.

RE: let me wrap my teeth around the world - Noble Greengrass - January 19, 2024

Noble grinned at her. "All the best ideas are terrible," he said lightly, "I have some spiritus sancti, but I want to try it before we start — would you watch my body while I do?"

RE: let me wrap my teeth around the world - Lorelei Owens - February 19, 2024

"All right," Lorelei said, without much more thought. It was the responsible thing to do, after all, and she didn't want something to happen to him, obviously. "I can do that."

RE: let me wrap my teeth around the world - Noble Greengrass - February 19, 2024

"Great," Noble said brightly. "Thank you."

He thought this would probably end up working out — it was not the worst idea he'd ever had.