Drag(on) Me Along - Printable Version

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Drag(on) Me Along - Elenora Brierley - July 4, 2023

Howell Howell? Nell thought to herself. That couldn't be right! Clearly this Mr. Yarwood had misspoke—er, miswritten, if that were a thing. Just to be safe, she would address the letter purely to "Mr. Howell".

Mr. Howell
The Kiln
Avalon Glen
Carmarthenshire, Wales

7th July, 1893

Mr. Howell,

I write at the behest of Mr. Madoc Yarwood, who was kind enough to respond to an earlier inquiry in spite of being on the continent for the next several weeks. I have enclosed a note from him to you.

If you have not already read the enclosure, than it would behoove me to introduce myself as the new Care of Magical Creatures professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am also not unfamiliar with dragons, having spent a season working (well, learning about; I am sure I was more burden than blessing to the actual dragonkeepers!) with Chinese Fireball hatchlings in the late eighties. It is for these reasons that I reached out to Mr. Yarwood, with the intention of visiting Avalon Glen and making the acquaintance of those associated with it.

While Mr. Yarwood was apologetic that he would not be available to me prior to the beginning of my tenure at the castle, he suggested you might be amenable in lieu. I do hope this is the case, as I should love to "get back out there", as it were, after several weeks spent in town.

Please do reply at your convenience.

Professor N. Brierley

Enc. a letter of introduction from one M. Yarwood.
Howell Howell

RE: Drag(on) Me Along - Howell Howell - July 20, 2023

10th July, 1893
Professor Brierley,

Thank you for your letter. It’s good to hear the Hogwarts professor will have some proper experience of dragons for once before teaching about them. Presuming dragons are still on the course.

As Avalon Glen is entirely Mr. Yarwood’s preserve, and he has personally recommended your visit, I would be happy to assist you in it.* We can accommodate visitors from 17th July onwards. The dragons roam freely, so you understand you will need to be accompanied at all times when in the Glen. You will need to Floo in at the Yarwood house or the village pub just beyond the reserve. Someone will escort you from there.

Come appropriately dressed. There’s some walking to do.


*Happy was a strong word for how Howell felt about this.

RE: Drag(on) Me Along - Elenora Brierley - July 20, 2023

Mr. Howell
The Kiln
Avalon Glen
Carmarthenshire, Wales

12th July, 1893

Mr. Howell,

Thank you for your prompt reply, as I am sure you have many responsibilities to tend to. If it suits, I shall arrive via Floo Network at the mentioned pub at precisely two o'clock on 30th July. It is my hope that this notice will allow me to be as little of a nuisance as possible.

I look forward to seeing the Glen.

Professor N. Brierley

Howell Howell