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With Potential Regret - Odira Keene - May 21, 2018

May 21st, 1888

Miss Potter,

I cannot know if you know me, for I lost myself three years ago and finding myself once more has been a slow process. For my own benefit, then, I think it best that I introduce myself properly. My name is Odira, and I was the woman fortunate enough to marry your dear, kind brother Bennet on the night of the younger Mr. Potter’s death. It seems cruelly unfair that I was so attached to both their passings, and entirely tragic that they should have faded away without knowing that you were alive and well. I know that in my husband’s case, at least, it surely would have given him great comfort.

I write to you with no expectation of reciprocation, but did not feel right withholding invitation to you any longer than I already have. In my own home, I am mother and guardian to your niece Charlotte, a beautiful young girl with chestnut hair and, I am told, her late uncle’s ears. Those same ears can be found on my ward Jameson, your nephew, though his sister Elspeth was, mercifully, spared! These three children are my family, my very heart, but they are your family, too. If you should wish to know them then I would, of course, oblige as long as it is in their best interests to do so.

Please do not hesitate to respond if that is your decision.


Odira T. Potter

RE: With Potential Regret - Lyra Potter - May 24, 2018

May 22nd
Mrs. Potter,

Your letter has taken me entirely by surprise, though in retrospect now I can't imagine why it should have done so. I had heard — or rather, read, in their obituaries — that my brothers were survived by children but had never taken any thought to consider what their lives might be like

May 23rd
Mrs. Potter,

It means a great deal to me that you would make the offer, but for the sake of the children I think it is probably best that —

May 23rd
Mrs. Potter,

Perhaps if you could just tell me more about them we might be spared the uncertainties involved in an invitation. Do they resemble their fathers a good deal?


May 24th
Mrs. Potter,

Thank you for your letter. It meant a good deal to me to receive it and, I recognize, must have taken a great show of bravery and character to send. I was aware that my brothers had left behind living children, but had never anticipated that I would have the opportunity to learn more about them, and in this respect I am quite grateful to you even should nothing more come of our correspondence.

I would very much like to meet them, but will respect your wishes and inclinations in regards to every particular. I know this must be a very delicate matter for you and if you think it best to find some neutral meeting place rather than your home, or if you wish to avoid as much idle chatter as can be avoided by choosing some day and time when I am unlikely to be recognized, I shall do as you think best.

I would be delighted, too, to make your acquaintance. The very fact of your having married my dear brother Bennet informs me that you must be an admirable woman, as he would hardly have married anyone less.
Lyra Potter

Postscript: though Charlotte is my given name my friends have, from my earliest days at Hogwarts, called me by my middle, which is Lyra. Although we do not know each other well we are, in a way, sisters, and so if you feel comfortable doing so I would be quite honored if you would call me Lyra.

RE: With Potential Regret - Odira Keene - June 3, 2018

May 26th, 1888

Miss Lyra,

I have enclosed a recent photograph of Jameson, taken for the Christmas holidays. I apologize for his squirminess; he is not a lad who is overjoyed by the prospect of sitting still!

You will forgive me, I hope, for my overabundance of caution, but if we might meet in muggle London—perhaps St. James’ Park?—I think I should be most comfortable as will, I hope, you. Magical society, in my own experience, comes equipped with an abundance of prying eyes, and I should be loath to place any more pressure upon yourself or the children than is strictly-speaking necessary.

I have attached a series of dates for next month that would work well for me. Please confirm your own availability at your earliest convenience.


Odira T. Potter

RE: With Potential Regret - Lyra Potter - June 15, 2018

May 28th
Mrs. Potter,

The park would be a perfect location, and I commend you for finding such a neutral meeting-place. I am a bit familiar with the park and might propose we meet beneath the gazebo at the South end, as there is an abundance of shade in that area if my memory serves me correctly. Assuming your own social calendar has not changed, I would be honored to meet you and the children on [date*].

Thank you ever so much for the picture.

Lyra Potter

* She would have picked whatever the second date was, because she thought it was very polite of Odira to assume she had any other social engagements and wants to preserve the illusion.

RE: With Potential Regret - Odira Keene - June 19, 2018

June 1st, 1888

Miss Lyra,

You must forgive me—I had forgotten entirely your vampirism condition and its limitations. Might you, perhaps, feel more comfortable at the British Museum? It would not be quite so enjoyable to the children, but the setting really is a vehicle rather than the meat of the occasion, and it would do them well to receive a bit of culture.


Odira T. Potter

RE: With Potential Regret - Lyra Potter - June 19, 2018

June 3rd
Mrs. Potter,

I did not mean to change your plans in order to make accommodations for me, though it is very kind of you to offer to do so. I am quite capable, after so many years, of managing my own condition when necessary in any weather or at any time of day; but if you think the children would not be opposed to a visit at the Museum, that sounds perfectly amenable to me.
Lyra Potter

RE: With Potential Regret - Lyra Potter - June 19, 2018

June 13th,
Mrs. Potter,

In light of recent events, I imagine you have much more on your mind than our upcoming visit to the Museum. Please know that I will not be at all offended if you wish to rescind the invitation, at least until after the fog has cleared up and magic has been restored to all areas of Hogsmeade. I have no desire to put either you or the children at a disadvantage by forcing you all to travel to London if you think it ill-advised.
Lyra Potter

RE: With Potential Regret - Odira Keene - July 4, 2018

June 14th, 1888

Miss Lyra,

I must thank you for your kind consideration. A great deal of uncertainty plagues Hogsmeade of late, and I hope for everyone's sake that it clears swiftly. Please know that I shall write to make arrangements once it lifts, and keep you apprised of anything regarding the children in the meantime!

I hope that you are safe and well cared for.


Odira T. Potter