Hurling Season 1893 -
Fortitude Greengrass - May 24, 2023
Similar to the Marriage Mart plottage threads in the past (and variations of the same idea), here's a thread to post the folks you want to hurl this season. I opted to make this form marriage-agnostic - put the affair hurling and the marriage hurling in the same place - and let you specify what you're looking for. Choose from five options, in any combination:
— Romance/Sentiment: you (or your character) want ~feelings, whether that comes with a ring or not.
— Marriage: self explanatory, lol.
— Sex: also self explanatory.
— Ongoing Affair: relationships that contain either sex or feelings but without the marriage aspect.
— Unrequited: If you're interested in your character getting hung up on someone who doesn't return their feelings and ~pining. Also can be used for mutual pining if you want to go the Jude/Kieran route.
There is also a section to specify YOUR HURLING STYLE PREFERENCE:
— CASUAL: You don't care about a particular endgame, or at least not on any particular timeframe. You want things to play out IC and are okay with just seeing where things go. [The LynnShip example: Zelda & Alfred Darrow who took years to meander through their tribulations towards marriage].
— PURPOSEFUL: You have some specific goals/milestones you'd prefer to hit, but not badly enough that you want to feel rushed or force anything. You still want to play most things out in threads, but are fine with also discussing some things that happen offscreen to keep things moving along. You might decide to prioritize a specific ship or set up rapid-fire dates. [The LynnShip example: Christabel & Victor Daphnel, whose interest was established in threads but whose courtship mostly occurred offscreen].
— TARGETED: You have a deadline and are willing to do whatever needs to be done offscreen to meet that deadline, while staying true to the characters. You're comfortable using NPCs to move things along or inventing plot points to suit your aims. You don't require old threads to be wrapped before progressing the plot. [The LynnShip example: Emrys Selwyn & Octavia Fawley, whose whole season-long relationship was more often referenced in other threads than actually posted about directly xD]
Here's a code:
<blockquote><div style="float:right;clear:none;max-width:45%;border:5px solid black"><img src="GIF LINK" style="width:100%;"></img></div>
<center><b>@"Character Name"
STAT | STAT | STAT</b></center>
A brief (like, 1-2 sentence long) description.
<b>Hurling for:</b> <ul>
<li>Romance / Sentiment
<li>Ongoing Affair
<b>My Hurling Style Preference:</b> CASUAL | PURPOSEFUL | TARGETED
<b>IC Dealbreakers:</b> Any traits you character absolutely <i>wouldn't</i> go for (eg, "no Muggles" or "not younger than 21")
<b>IC Ideal:</b> what, if anything, your character is looking for
<b>OOC Ideal:</b> what, if anything, you are looking for
<b>Hurling Grounds:</b> where is your character most likely to interact with new people?</blockquote>
RE: Hurling Season 1893 -
Alasdair Greyback - May 24, 2023
Alasdair Greyback
Alasdair lives on the hospitality of others and has a chimeric personality that conforms to whoever he most needs to impress at the moment.
Hurling for:
- Romance / Sentiment
- Marriage
- Sex
- Ongoing Affair
My Hurling Style Preference: PURPOSEFUL
IC Dealbreakers: No one younger than 18, probably no men?
IC Ideal: no-strings-attached hookups or ongoing flirtations that go nowhere
OOC Ideal: flirtation becomes feelings becomes getting caught in a hookup and forced into marriage to save face and ANGST. I have PLANS TO DESTROY SOMEONE, maybe it could be you xoxo.
Hurling Grounds: Society events, around Hogsmeade.
RE: Hurling Season 1893 -
Clarissa Cosgrove - May 24, 2023
Clarissa Cosgrove
The epitome of what one might expect from a young lady that attended PSYR, Clarissa has more to her than meets the eye. Such as being willing to beat a man with a parasol if they piss her off enough.
Hurling for:
- Romance / Sentiment
- Marriage
My Hurling Style Preference: PURPOSEFUL. I am very motivated in marrying her off before she hits 25 so will do all the rapid-fires.
IC Dealbreakers: poor and younger than her.
IC Ideal: 24+, UCAB, not a purist.
OOC Ideal: pretty much anything dramatic because it suits her. She would probably never marry down no matter how much she likes someone though.
RE: Hurling Season 1893 -
Margaret Clark - May 24, 2023
Margaret Clark
Peggy is an uppity teenager ready to be knocked off her high horse <3
Hurling for:
My Hurling Style Preference: CASUAL
IC Dealbreakers: No WC, no one that she would be judged for marrying (an inauspicious match)
IC Ideal: UC male, handsome, no prior children, maybe an heir, whoever would make Sarah Moon most jealous.
OOC Ideal: anything that would mortify her: totally unsuitable beaus, ridiculous situations, getting caught at a disadvantage, etc.
Hurling Grounds: Season events, Hogsmeade, Sanditon
RE: Hurling Season 1893 -
Richard Gladstone - May 24, 2023
Richard Gladstone
Local hospital cryptid that has horrible luck with women seeks bride
Hurling for:
- Romance / Sentiment
- Marriage
- Unrequited
My Hurling Style Preference: PURPOSEFUL
IC Dealbreakers: Being a cruel or outright mean sort of person.
IC Ideal: UCAB, MCAB, 18+
OOC Ideal: Anything goes with this one so long as there isn't too big of a scandal that might jeopardize his job position.
Hurling Grounds: St. Mungos, society events, London, Hogsmeade, Sanditon - I can find a reason for him to be most anywhere really.
RE: Hurling Season 1893 -
Octavia Fawley - May 24, 2023
Octavia Fawley
Think nice mean girl. Like she means well, but she doesn't really think before she speaks and sometimes lacks empathy. But a die hard softie, she wears her heart on her sleeve and would - probably - stick by her friends till the earth's end.
Hurling for:
- Romance / Sentiment
- Marriage
- Unrequited
My Hurling Style Preference: CASUAL or PURPOSEFUL
IC Dealbreakers: working class, old enough to be her father,
IC Ideal: UCPB, she seems to have developed a taste for "bad boys", younger, values physical appearances
OOC Ideal: what, if anything, you are looking for
Hurling Grounds: London, society events, Hogsmeade
RE: Hurling Season 1893 -
Winston Umbra - May 24, 2023
Winston Umbra
A little bit ethereal and not quite in touch with this world, Winston is a kind but unintentionally chaotic soul.
Hurling for:
- Romance / Sentiment
- Sex
- Ongoing Affair
- Unrequited
My Hurling Style Preference: CASUAL
IC Dealbreakers: Being a woman or a student.
IC Ideal: Male, probably his age or older. They would probably need to be the pursuer because even if Winny gets love at first sight with your character... he won't realize it.
OOC Ideal: Anything goes, really.
Hurling Grounds: Hogwarts, Hogsmeade but I can find a reasonable reason for him to be almost anywhere.
RE: Hurling Season 1893 -
Aleksei Nichols - May 24, 2023
Aleksei Nichols
A non-binary person living life in a world that sees them as a man.
Hurling for:
- Romance / Sentiment
- Sex
- Ongoing Affair
- Unrequited
My Hurling Style Preference: CASUAL
IC Dealbreakers: Being a woman or being harsh about their self-identity.
IC Ideal: Male, probably their age or older. Aleksei tends to prefer men that are very masculine.
OOC Ideal: Pretty open but I would love for Aleksei to have something going with someone who accepts them as they are down to their wearing dress/womens fashion around them.
Hurling Grounds: Society events, London, Hogsmeade but can travel most places except Hogwarts.
RE: Hurling Season 1893 -
Beatrice Daphnel - May 24, 2023
Beatrice Daphnel
A Social Disaster™, Bea's social history has left much to be desired due to her anxiety. She is soft-spoken and can most often be found with a book in hand but one might find she's approaching this social season with new energy after she ya know - or well really you don't know - snapped and killed her brother. But she does have a notoriously large dowry?
Hurling for:
- Romance / Sentiment
- Marriage
My Hurling Style Preference: PURPOSEFUL or TARGETED
IC Dealbreakers: Cruel or high society figure
IC Ideal: "She wasn't sure though that Victor and their mother would approve of the type of man she'd like to marry. Quiet, out of society's grasp. Maybe with a bookstore or a big library. They didn't need to be rich. Just someone she could sit with who wouldn't feel obligated to fill silences with conversations."
OOC Ideal: Honestly, the exact opposite of what Bea wants. I'm here for the drama. Someone who is very much in society's limelight, someone who isn't necessarily the nicest or most understanding of Bea's anxiety.
Hurling Grounds: Hogsmeade, society events, a library
RE: Hurling Season 1893 -
Aurelia Bulstrode - May 25, 2023
Aurelia Bulstrode
By no means prickly, Aurelia is a curious, competitive soul who's slightly upset that her older sister got married first, even though that is the typical order of things. She did not debut with her peers at Hogwarts, instead being held back for a February '93 debut — after Cecilia had begun courting.
Hurling for:
- Romance / Sentiment
- Marriage
My Hurling Style Preference: PURPOSEFUL
IC Dealbreakers: No older than 35.
IC Ideal: Pureblood, handsome, wealthy, lovely in personality. Aurelia is demisexual; romance will not be an "at first sight" sort of deal.
OOC Ideal: She has been raised in a relatively purist household, meaning she is unlikely to fall for anything less than a pureblood. However, if she did, it would be fun.
Hurling Grounds: Society events, around Hogsmeade and magical London.
RE: Hurling Season 1893 -
Lucinda Bythesea - May 25, 2023
Lucinda Bythesea
Lucinda is a hopeless romantic. She's extremely optimistic, but her greatest fear is becoming a spinster. She is a Pendergast graduate and possesses a fantastic dowry, being her father's only daughter.
Hurling for:
- Romance / Sentiment
- Marriage
- Unrequited
My Hurling Style Preference: TARGETED — I'd like to see Lucinda wed within a year if possible.
IC Dealbreakers: No older than 35, nor muggles or muggleborns.
IC Ideal: Pure or halfblood, dark haired, able to maintain her lifestyle, and not allergic to animals, as she intends to bring her cats.
OOC Ideal: Appearance and status (blood or social) don't matter OOCly; Lucinda could easily fall for someone who loves animals of any position in life. Granted, the chance of such a romance with someone of lesser status actually happening is relatively slim...unless she falls hard.
Hurling Grounds: Society events, around Hogsmeade and magical London.
RE: Hurling Season 1893 -
Rashmika Meredeth - May 26, 2023
Rashmika Meredeth
17 | Unattatched | UCHB | Slytherin
Overall, no nonsense and mentally practical. Can be intimidating, so shy characters may hesitate to make an advance. She looks forward to the season and can also prove to be rather charming.
Hurling for:
- Romance
- Marriage
- Sex??
- Possible Ongoing Affair?
My Hurling Style Preference: PURPOSEFUL
IC Dealbreakers: WC | Less than 7 Rep | Doesn't like her family or want one of their own | Please wait to hurl anyone older than 35 at her until her third season
IC Ideal: UC | +8 Rep | Gets along with her family and wants kids
OOC Ideal: Break her out of her bubble. She's always wanted to learn how to cook, but has never been brave enough to push boundries. Maybe MC?
Hurling Grounds: Hogsmeade, high society parties (Hogsmeade, London, Elsewhere - to an extent), Diagon Alley
RE: Hurling Season 1893 -
Chandrima Meredeth - May 26, 2023
Chandrima Meredeth
Chandrima is a fraternal twin, and a fresh young debutante on the scene as of the Hogwarts Coming Out Ball 1893. It takes a lot to get her to open up completely, but most, typical Victorian marriages aren't built on romance and knowing one another well, now, are they?
Hurling for:
My Hurling Style Preference: CASUAL
IC Dealbreakers: No older than 35. No WC.
IC Ideal: Someone perfect on paper, with the personality to match. One or two little problems might be overlooked. For unrequited, however, she might just fall head over heels for someone completely inappropriate and pine.
OOC Ideal: No one racist need apply. Beyond that, Chandrima is leading this cart.
Hurling Grounds: Society events, around Hogsmeade, maybe Irvingly at a stretch.
RE: Hurling Season 1893 -
Alvin Bixby - May 27, 2023
Alvin Bixby
26 | MCHB | Freelance Artist
Alvin is a little bit of a lost soul right now after losing his sense of purpose in his work. He feels unworthy and sort of useless, so he's going to need some patient TLC.
Hurling for:
- Romance / Sentiment
- Sex
- Ongoing Affair
- Unrequited
My Hurling Style Preference: CASUAL, so casual it hurts
IC Dealbreakers: probably not too much older than him, probably not a deb.
IC Ideal: Alvin has no idea, but will require someone with patience and kindness while he figures himself out.
OOC Ideal: anything, the less "appropriate" the better, I like it messsyyyy
Hurling Grounds: I can get him anywhere pretty much!
RE: Hurling Season 1893 -
Josiah Rohlwing - May 27, 2023
Josiah Rohlwing
A hardworking muggle, Josiah is often fascinated by magic. He also holds a quiet interest in becoming a zookeeper at the Podmore Zoological Gardens for the muggle side of things though as no idea how to go about it. He is outdoorsy, shy and reserved.
Hurling for:
- Romance / Sentiment
- Marriage
- Sex
- Ongoing Affair
- Unrequited
My Hurling Style Preference: PURPOSEFUL
IC Dealbreakers: Being outright mean to either himself or others.
IC Ideal: WCAB, gentle, kind and hardworking woman
OOC Ideal: Anything goes, really. He is unlikely to get involved with a woman he knows to be married though.
Hurling Grounds: Irvingly, London at a stretch.
RE: Hurling Season 1893 -
Merida Greyback - May 27, 2023
Merida Greyback
21 | Healer | Secret Animagus
Priding herself on her bedside manner, Merida comes across as sunny and pleasant. She has a deeply Romantic nature and can be swept away in moments.
Hurling for:
- Romance / Sentiment
- Marriage
- Unrequited
My Hurling Style Preference: CASUAL | PURPOSEFUL
IC Dealbreakers: She thinks she would be turned off by a blood purist or someone with an open hatred to werewolves, but that chaos appeals to me greatly.
IC Ideal: She doesn't know - she wants a big family.
OOC Ideal: Chaos! Either a completely wrong person - or someone she thinks she is head over heels for but doesn't actually know. I sort of love a scenario where she and a guy end up in all of these Romantic moments but never actually get to know each other for real and after the wedding reality comes crashing down.
Hurling Grounds: Society events or the hospital.