22nd August, 1892
Darling Ursula,
You are kind to write, though I would expect no less. You are not the only one to do so, but I expect the only person with whom I do not share blood whose quill was not dipped in insincerity before it was placed to parchment. I was denied post whilst being held by the Ministry of Magic, and so do indeed reply to you from home—though it seems woefully different now, more isolated and empty than I could have thought imaginable.
You must not trouble yourself with Phineas; indeed, you ought to be grateful that he still remains to support your family. With or without ambition, I would give a great deal to have Ernest returned to us. Besides, if my own connections did not garner a quicker reprieve, I do not imagine that Phineas would have had much more sway even if he were more prominent. Nevertheless, your rage on my behalf is appreciated and is, I assure you shared, though much of what I feel right now is exhaustion.
It is my intention to keep to the house and abjure company (even your own) until the funeral; my mother, of course, has ignored this directive altogether, but as she stayed with the children during my
abduction, I can hardly fault her. (Besides, do not tell her as much, but her presence is a comfort to me). After the funeral, at which I trust I shall see you, I shall welcome your company with open arms.
With affection and gratitude,