May 11th, 1888
To put it simply, yes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. It's just been..a bit chaotic. Mum is pretty upset and father hasn't spoken to me since they all but shoved me out of the house on my birthday. Rye..well he yelled. A lot. I'm so sorry if I've hurt you over this.
When is your next Hogseade weekend? Perhaps we can meet and I'll explain everything. And could you please break the news to Herb, as easily as possible?
With Love,
May 16th, 1888
I heard.. I didn't read it though. We've had quite a bit to deal with. I'll be having a grand opening tomorrow so there's been a lot to do to get ready and.. Well I'm doing it by myself. I've hired one gentleman to help but he's not a baker. He helps to get the heavy loads handled but that's all he can do.
So.. I know you will be making a proper debut but how would you feel about working with me in your spare time? I know it could potentially cause more of a rift with the rest of the family but I could really use your help. Only if you're interested though. It would be fun to collaborate with you again like we did with the honey bee baklava's at the family shop.
With Love,