July 29th, 1892
My Dearest Fina,
You are of course correct, my sweet little boy is a prefect! How is it we have children old enough to be prefects? I am beside myself!
With delight, of course, as well as disbelief. My own mama seemed almost wizened when I was Sirius' age although I suppose I was the youngest. Oh my dearest Fina don't let's get any older I cannot bear it! It seems only last week we were roaming around Hogwarts with our own prefect badges.
But I digress, they are a handsome pair, aren't they? We ought to celebrate their success in some way. Perhaps the four of us could go see a quidditch match or we could take them out for ice cream. How does Flora feel about quidditch? I suppose we could also have tea and celebrate them in their absence too.
Fina, how is it they are prefects already!