School Prize Giving -
Natsuko Foxwood - July 31, 2022
So I went to school very like Hogwarts - Castle, houses, the whole shebang - and one thing we had that I qssume hogwarts has as well but isn't in the books is prize giving day. The first book tells about a trophy room which has more than 3 tropheys in (house cup, quidditch cup and special services to the school), and even assuming that some are interschool trophies, there are almost certainly some annual parenial trophies. I think it's it's detail Rowling forgot she included.
So prize giving is a day, usually after a-level results come out when the school invites students who did well in exams or were nominated by teachers to come back for a dinner and a bit of a shindig with parents.
Prizes would be things like
First year of the year
Best gcse results (owls)
Best A level results (newts)
Best sportsman
Best artist (separate from subject art/music prize)
An annual prize for each subject, nominated by the teacher
Annual prize for Best in House by the house head
There were also awards for just being nice/popular with teachers.
The awards were usually named after notable teachers or students.
The P.J.Leqhy award for English or Bishop Quinn Trostan House prize for example.
Might be something for every August?
RE: School Prize Giving -
Aldous Crouch - July 31, 2022
Eh, that just sounds like more stuff for me to organize which I’m not entirely here for xD
RE: School Prize Giving -
Natsuko Foxwood - July 31, 2022
That's fair!
Maybe simplified to prizes for those who got superlative results in their owls and newts, and then members would decide for themselves if their student reached that threshold?
Say - everyone who got all o's would get a prize, or all o's and e's. Then owners would decide if their student reached the standard and attended the event.
RE: School Prize Giving -
Aldous Crouch - July 31, 2022
Personally, I like school things during school year and summer things during summer
RE: School Prize Giving -
Walter Staghart - July 31, 2022
Its a nice thought but much more ooc work to keep track of, both for Admins and those who play staff/heads of houses. With all the other IC awards/scores (OWLS, NEWTs, House Points etc) plus all the OOC reward events, I don't think we need to add more on the list.