Oyasumi Fukurō - Printable Version

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Oyasumi Fukurō - Natsuko Foxwood - July 28, 2022

1st July , 1892 — Suki's Home

Natsuko climbed the stairs to the attic on silk slippered feet, normally she would have left the letter for a footman to send out with one of the general postal owls, but she wanted to get it off tonight.  It wasn't exactly urgent, but she didnt want the letter sitting untill the morning lest she forget to send it - or think twice about the contents.  She knew she had a caller just after breakfast, she had recieved a calling card from a mama with a son and a debutante daughter who hadnt been having much luck, Suki was sure the socialite thought that she was a soft touch.  A debutantes work was never done. 


The attic room counted as Sakura's 'room', even if it was shared with Taiyo, with the ho-ho, giving the owl the run of the room and staying out of her way when hooted at.  The other 'working' owls were in the apiary off the stables.  'Sakura-chan' she called softly into the space, expecting Sakura to fly to her in greeting.  Instead, there was an angry hoot from the corner, and Suki's heart leapt in fear that her precious was injured or sick.  She was used to other people getting the cold shoulder from the Scoop Owl, but never her! 'Anata wa watashi no ai o daijōbudesuka*' she called, and with a wave of her hand the corner of the room illuminated revealing Sakura and - another owl. 

Natsuko stopped short, it felt rather like walking in on one's child in a compromising position.  'Ara! Korehanandesuka?*' Sakura didn't respond, not really, instead she snuggled into the other owl, touching beaks in a look of unmistakeable intimacy.  Suki squealed in delight, causing one of Sakura's large amber eyes to open and give a look that if translated would surely have meant - mom you're embarrassing me!

Natsuko laughed and gave a series of little bows, backing out of the room, ending her spell to illuminate the attic room and closing the door behind her.  She leaned against the cool wood of the door, clasping her hands to her chest in what she imagined must be maternal pride and giddy excitement.  Her letter forgotten, as she hurried back to her room, one of the others could send it in the morning.

Her baby was in love!

*Are you alright my love?
*Oh my goodness! WHat is this?