Hogsmeade Musicale -
Rufina Mulciber - July 25, 2022
HELLO LADIES. There will be a musicale late in August—and your
UC debutante is invited to partake! Preference will go to Hogsmeade residents or those who at least have a
house in Hogsmeade, but is anyone actively going to care? No.
If you participate, you should know...
- The musicale is the afternoon of August 28th
- There will be a full rehearsal the afternoon of August 25th
- Things will not go off without a hitch...
Kayte is always scheming
I am not asking you to do a lot of research here re: what piece you want to play, but if you can let me know a) who's performing and b) in what fashion (solo piano, part of a string quartet with ____, etc.), that would be fab!
RE: Hogsmeade Musicale -
Clarissa Cosgrove - July 25, 2022
Clarissa Cosgrove, solo piano
RE: Hogsmeade Musicale -
Juniper Edevane - July 25, 2022
Juniper Edevane Solo flute
only learned to charm snakes, but we see how well that worked out
RE: Hogsmeade Musicale -
Octavia Fawley - July 26, 2022
We do not not not want tavie to sing but can do a variety of instruments.
Edit: ive also realized tavie doesnt live in Hogsmeade but hey
Beatrice Daphnel could be forced to participate in vocals but will likely freak out at the actual thing and practice and either freeze or run off stage.
RE: Hogsmeade Musicale -
Murdock Greyback - July 26, 2022
Ginevra Blackwood - solo violin - or string quartet with played others for variety
Beethoven: String Quartet in C-sharp minor, Op. 131
@'NAtsuko Mountbatton' - Solo Koto -
Something like this
If Rufina needs someone to check things on a clipboard and make sure girls are ready
Nephele Lestrange volunteers to be a helper
RE: Hogsmeade Musicale -
Beryl Wixeldorf - July 26, 2022
Beryl Wixeldorf solo violin
RE: Hogsmeade Musicale -
Seneca Lestrange - August 7, 2022
Seneca will perform the one Bach-vibe song she can play medium well on the piano