Hogwarts Student Staff Selection 1892 - Printable Version

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Hogwarts Student Staff Selection 1892 - Charming - June 18, 2022

Student Staff Selection '92

Prefect Season is my FAVOURITE TIME OF YEAR, and as such I hope everyone applies who is remotely qualified applies!


Hogwarts' student staff serve as role models for their fellow students.  Additionally, they reinforce/penalize good and bad behaviour by issuing and taking away house points. In addition to prestige, prefects receive half of their tuition and heads all of their tuition in exchange for their efforts. They also get to use the prefects’ toilets because that is clearly a selling point.

Faculty recommendations will be handled privately, NOT via the prefect apps.

Optional. Reassure the staff team that your character’s been active! You can link to any of the following:
  • All active threads set at Hogwarts.
  • All completed threads set at Hogwarts.
  • All dead threads set at Hogwarts if you were the last person to post in them.
  • Any completed homework assignments.
  • Any class threads you’ve posted in, even if they’ve died.
  • Any quidditch matches you’ve posted in.
  • Any club meetings you’ve posted in, even if they’ve died.
Someone with a terrible personality won’t get cleared just because they’ve been more active, but activity is still a factor for us! You should only link threads from the 1891-1892 school year. Scored OOC only.

Your activity log is in addition to any evidence of behaviours/involvement found in the “why should you be prefect” section.

To apply, make sure your character meets the demographic in question (IE sixth year Ravenclaw female should be a female student in Ravenclaw house who will be in sixth year in September) and has at least 10 posts on their account. Charaters approved on or after June 1st only need five posts on their account—so you’re welcome to make a character to fit the bill ;) You must post the form below as a reply to this thread from the account in question.

[b]Character Name:[/b]  (Please tag AND post from the appropriate account!)
[b]Applying For:[/b] What position do you want?
[b]Class & Blood Status:[/b] Public perception, please. Don’t tell me half-veela if your character is perceived as a muggleborn or something xD
[b]Why Should You Be Prefect:[/b]<blockquote>An IC-meets-OOC explanation. We know that not all characters would try to talk themselves up, but if they were trying to, what would they say? Linking to posted evidence can give you a much-needed boost! Threads from previous school years may be included here as evidence!</blockquote>
[b]Activity Log:[/b]
[*]Optional. See above for details.

Currently, we are accepting applications for:
5th Gryffindor Female
5th Gryffindor Male
6th Gryffindor Male
7th Gryffindor Female
5th Hufflepuff Female
5th Hufflepuff Male
6th Hufflepuff Female
6th Hufflepuff Male
7th Hufflepuff Female
7th Hufflepuff Male
5th Ravenclaw Female
5th Ravenclaw Male

6th Ravenclaw Female
6th Ravenclaw Male
7th Ravenclaw Male
5th Slytherin Female
5th Slytherin Male

6th Slytherin Female
7th Slytherin Male
Head Girl
Head Boy
All listed years are incoming—if your character just finished their fifth year, they can apply for sixth year posts. All positions for upper-year prefects will be retconned to your character having held the spot since their fifth year unless otherwise stated, and in applying, you consent to this.

Don’t have a qualifying student? There’s an app for that!

Applications for the sixth and seventh year prefects officially close on July 23rd. Applications for fifth year prefects, remaining sixth/seventh year prefects, Head Boy, and Head Girl close on July 27th. Applications for any positions remaining close on July 30th! You may continue to edit your application as long as it remains visible on this page! As of July 30th, all remaining positions may be applied for until August 21st!

Confused? Please post below with any questions you might have, or fire a PM to this account. You can also check out some of our past applications!