Meet: Miriam - Printable Version

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Meet: Miriam - Miriam Hitchens - June 14, 2022


Miriam Hitchens
9 | mchb
rep » 8 | unattached
happy child

— A B O U T —

The firstborn daughter of the disowned Black sister has landed.

FRIENDS: Other magical children, though not those whose families have strict purist ideologies. It's no secret that Miriam's father is a muggle, nor that her mother was disowned for marrying him. 

IMMEDIATE FAMILY: I'd love for Miriam's parents to be played at some point. Her younger brother is technically playable as well, at the age of six, but I understand that younger children are harder to play.

LOST FAMILY: Something I'd love to explore is what happens when Miriam accidentally meets the family members that don't acknowledge her existence. I am aware that this is dangerous for her. But we here on Charming live for drama, right? :cackle: