You useless bundle of horklump snot. Do you truly lack the decency to respond to a damned letter? Have you lost complete control of social niceties as well as your senses? Your mother flails about in her grave, ruing the day she birthed such an imbecile! Married—married! Scarcely more than a boy and on a mediwizard’s salary, and you’ve gone and bewitched some poor girl with even less between her ears than YOU into marrying you?! (Merlin’s beard she had better not be a veela or I will haul you down to the Ministry by your nostril for an annulment!) And no word of your address! You hate your family so much you’d leave them, then disappear into the night with your new family? I hope she cooks so poorly that you choke on a chicken bone and lose the gift of speech. |