11-12 June - Lift Your Spirits Festival - Printable Version

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11-12 June - Lift Your Spirits Festival - Reuben Crouch - May 31, 2022

You can't remark upon what you don't know!

Are YOU attending the Lift Your Spirits Festival on 11-12 June? Feel free to drop thread links here for the perusal of other guests! Be sure to state whether your thread is open or private, and feel free to provide a little summary for completed threads!

RE: 11-12 June - Lift Your Spirits Festival - Reuben Crouch - May 31, 2022

Characters that will be here on one day or another and are available for threads:

VIP Tent:
Reuben Crouch but he's sort of staff
Emrys Selwyn
Eldritch Morgan
Ozymandias Dempsey

GenPop Tent:
Dorothea Twycross
Silas Hunt
maybe Fortitude Greengrass if anyone wants him to go

RE: 11-12 June - Lift Your Spirits Festival - Clarissa Cosgrove - May 31, 2022

subject to change based on my whims but these are currently who are in attendance and are available for threads~

Desiderius Morgan
Tycho Dodonus
Cleon Broadmoor
Alexander Echelon

Esteban Zavala
Mundungus MacFusty
Tristan Michaud
Kentigern MacFusty
Friendless Night is there and has an OPEN
Maybe George Robins ?