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+---- Thread: Green Is Not My Color (/showthread.php?tid=10888)
Spring is in the air and I am both dreading the end of the term and wishing it wouldn't end. I think I would rather sit through ten NEWT exams than go through this upcoming debut season. I simply cannot. In fact I know I would rather go abroad and live with a spinster aunt and spend all my time reading and wandering country streets than stumble my way through the social season. Even with my cousins to guide me, it's going to be miserable.
How are you? Are you prepared for your exams? This must be such an exciting time to be a seventh year at Hogwarts. I wish I was there with you! Please let me know how everything goes! I miss you!
RE: Green Is Not My Color - Ida Chang - June 23, 2022
2nd of May, 1892
My dear Tillie,
It is so good to hear from you, though I wish the circumstances were happier! Your woes and mine are the same about this upcoming season... I'm sleeping less nowadays, and eating all the scones the house-elves will give me, but can't seem to put on weight. Have I officially entered the grieving period, for the end of my time at Hogwarts?
Speaking of which, I've taken to revisiting all of our old haunts, and cherishing every cobweb corner and sketchy stairstep. It's the nicest day of the year today, and I'm sitting in our old sunny spot in the courtyard. How I wish you were here! I can't bear to think that when we will see each other again, it'll already be the Dashwood ball. Poppy seems very much in her element, of course, so you will be in capable hands to follow by example. I, on the other hand, am sorry to say that I will be of no use to you in the ballroom. Though if you do faint, I promise to catch your head? Oh, and I promise you that a stiff cup of firewhiskey greatly eases the nerves. Perhaps we'll take our medicine together before the festivities begin?
If all else fails, life with your spinster aunt sounds quite charming!
One benefit of my recent insomnia is that I am quite well ahead in my studies. I rather look forward to the exams as a capstone to all my accomplishments, though for what I do not know. My father and I still don't see eye to eye one bit. We never talk about things, of course, not properly. Though I've gathered that if I do not materialize an English suitor this year, it won't be long until I am shipped to Beijing. Exactly how dead would we be, if we simply fled?
Now that's more than enough about me. How are you Tillie? How are your independent studies? I thought you might like this edition of Transfirguration Today where Professor Foxwood was published, page seven includes a rather entertaining range of transformative jinxes to hexes on humans. Edits and fact checks supported by yours truly!
My goodness! You have been so busy! I am sorry to hear that you aren't sleeping well. That must be awful. At least you are making the most of your time. You've been allowed to slowly accept the end, which I was not, so please enjoy it for me.
I will very much need you at Poppy's debut. She will be the center of attention which means I will want to be across the room in the corner. Firewhiskey does sound like a good remedy for the nerves, we should keep that in mind. As you said, if I make a big enough fool out of myself, the spinster aunt route is a solid back up plan. I also quite like your idea of fleeing, I bet between us we would do well!
I am well enough, wishing my time here as a Rose over, but not exactly looking forward to what comes next either. I am quite ready to be come with needlework and letter writing and all of that frivolous nonsense. I miss useful things like charms and transfiguration. Speaking of, this publication, that is so exciting! I cannot wait to read it. I'm surprised my cousin did not tell me himself, but I am so very proud of you. I'm sure it is most excellent. I have tucked it away for some late night reading where no one can take it from me.
There's only a few weeks left, I will plan on seeing you at Poppy's debut, we'll have so much to catch up then. Let me know if you need anything for your exams, I would be most willing to help in any way I can!