This is a kindly reminder that all graduating students are encouraged to schedule a meeting with me prior to the commencement of the NEWT examinations next month. I recognise that other tasks may currently feel more pressing, but my advice would be to see to this matter at the first opportune moment. Unclear future plans are not something you want to have nagging at you while sitting the exams.
Please keep in mind that a meeting is mandatory to those who wish to receive a recommendation from me. If there’s a specific reason that has kept you from reserving a time so far, I would strongly encourage you to share this with me so that allowances can be made.
RE: Don't act like you don't know - Ida Chang - June 23, 2022
Ida's desk in her dormitory, ordinarily immaculate, had several bits of parchment crumpled and scattered all across its surface. She'd started this letter many times, quill cutting into parchment with notable favorites like I am unclear, is this mandatory or not? or what a strange display of extortion or you're not my mum.
Resigned to her fate, it was only after dinner and an extra serving of pudding that Ida finally reached the mental state required to construct an appropriate reply.
25th of April, 1892
Dear Professor Twycross,
You are perfectly right, of course. I admit this reservation to take your valuable time is due to the fact that my future plans feel dreadfully uncertain. I shall schedule some time this week to discuss this uncertainty.