don’t worry, be purple - Printable Version

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don’t worry, be purple - Atticus Foxwood - April 11, 2022

After nearly ten days masquerading as someone else, Atticus had been pleased to wake up in his own bed. He had been less than pleased to find his hair was now a bright shade of purple, and no matter what he did to rid himself of it, it didn’t seem to do.. anything.

April 10, 1892

When I awoke this morning I found myself in a bit of a conundrum. It’s nothing too serious, but something I’d preferably like taken care of sooner rather. I need your Transfiguration help as much as it pains me to ask. Are you free for a quick trip to Hogsmeade?

PS: Merlin is on a strict diet. Please don’t feed him no matter how famished he makes himself seem.

RE: don’t worry, be purple - Basil Foxwood - April 12, 2022

April, 10. 1892

Basil was slightly skeptical of the letter that Merlin had just deposited on his desk. His brother's handwriting looked... almost frustrated, if that was possible. The ink was darker in some places than others and the page looked weathered. He wrinkled his brow and scribbled a response back, quickly.

Atticus –

I might be able to stop in Hogsmeade this week end if you share a few more particulars. What is the matter? Is mother alright?


RE: don’t worry, be purple - Atticus Foxwood - April 12, 2022


Mama is fine, but she might laugh herself to death in a few hours if my hair continues to stay a bright shade of purple.  It’s a long story and I can’t tell you  how it happened, just that it.. did.

RE: don’t worry, be purple - Basil Foxwood - April 12, 2022

Staring down at the letter in his hand, Basil read and re-read those few short lines over. He couldn't help but laugh outright at the image of his brother with purple hair, and placed his head in his hand. Well, karma certainly had a way of finding those most deserving, didn't it?

Atticus –

My dear brother... how I cannot wait to see this predicament you are in. I will be home when I can.


Atticus Foxwood also, this is basil right now

RE: don’t worry, be purple - Atticus Foxwood - April 12, 2022

It would be a pity if you laughed yourself to death too. It’s quite awful. I’ve had all the mirrors covered.

RE: don’t worry, be purple - Basil Foxwood - April 12, 2022

Atticus –

It would be a pity. But not so much as your being stuck with that hair.


RE: don’t worry, be purple - Atticus Foxwood - April 12, 2022

I have time to figure out how to ensure we look alike with purple hair. We'll see who is truly better at transfiguration.

He laughs then, and underlines truly twice more. They both knew it wasn't Atticus.

RE: don’t worry, be purple - Basil Foxwood - April 12, 2022

Basil didn't know when bantering back and forth via owl had become the norm for them, but he couldn't say he despised it. He much preferred this type of communication from his brother than the usual demands for events to attend. Grinning, he responded one last time.

Atticus –

That we will.


Atticus Foxwood also, this is basil right now

RE: don’t worry, be purple - Atticus Foxwood - April 12, 2022

See you this weekend. Thank you for your support during this difficult time.
And wear black. We are entering a mourning period for my hair.