It's a Mystery! - Printable Version

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It's a Mystery! - Selene Gallivan - April 11, 2022

I posted this in Discord, but I'm posting here, too!

Okay, I think I feel up to posts this week. I'm going to squeeze my event threads in first since those are more time sensitive, and then I'm going to start tackling all my owed posts. (Which I'm compiling a list of tonight.)

As far as event threads:

Selene Gallivan is hilariously her Aunt Marlena Scamander. Any and all awkward/hilarious threads with friends or family would be wonderful. I'm only looking for a max of 2, though, please Smile

And Eli Fox, much to his dismay, is a girl. Agape Lestrange to be exact. He is, however, overjoyed that he's living an upper class pureblood life. And, honestly, he's taking advantage of the food AND likely hiding random things he stole from them out in an alleyway or something. So, um, threads with friends and family, super interested! Also, this will be so awkward come Hogwarts since they'll be in the same year. Also, a max of 2 threads.

And this is a general, did I promise you something else not related to the mini-plot? Because I likely forgot, so please poke me! <3 <3

RE: It's a Mystery! - Nephele Lestrange - April 11, 2022

We've already discussed mother and daughter threads! I am 100% down for something - maybe a trip to the modiste where he gets dressed up like a doll

RE: It's a Mystery! - Katherine Arundell - April 11, 2022

Do you want an Eli Kitty thread still in London when he is back to normal?

RE: It's a Mystery! - Selene Gallivan - April 13, 2022

Nephele Lestrange ahahahaha I'm so down for this.
Katherine Arundell 10000% yes! If you start it, I'll get to it soon Smile If not this week, next week is April Vacation, and I intend to post.