Mrs. Tailler promptly retrieved you when appropriate and the Ministry had deemed you safe. As far as I am concerned, my level of commitment ends there until our wedding day.
What is more, I shall not be ordered around by my bride-to-be. I will have an appropriate time and day sent to you by the end of next week.
If your father wishes to see me, he may make his own appointment with my house. As for you, my statement still stands. You are a young lady, not a tantruming child. Act like it.
I am not yet your husband, nor am I your father. I am sure Mr. Lécuyer has the funds to purchase one for you. Anything from me will be purchased after the wedding.
You really think I'm asking you to buy me a new wand? Oh, no. Furthest thing from it. I'm just letting you know the hardship I've suffered. Forced to perform circus tricks. My wand stolen, probably broken. And you, unfeeling. Cold. Distant. Angry, even, and at me.
Look. I admit. I was desperate. And I apologize for doing what I felt I had to do.
We can discuss it more tomorrow. I'd actually like to see you. It's less than two months to the day now, you know.
Alice has a suitor coming tomorrow and is incredibly nervous. Above everything, my siblings and son are my top priority, currently. You - and an appropriate chaperone - are invited to dinner tomorrow evening. Any suitor should be well gone by then.
As if I'd come to your house without a chaperone. Expect my sister and I. Though I would like to speak to you privately at some point about the wedding plans. I'd like your opinion on the flowers.