She snorted loudly, flinching under the glare of the librarian. "Can we really say they'll be quiet when I'm going to be sharing some of them with Cameron again?" Don't get her wrong, she missed her friend but by golly, it was so much easier to concentrate in class when Cameron Gillenwater wasn't sitting next to you talking your ears off. Though admittedly that just meant she talked instead to Sloane, Alice, or Sisse. Even if the last two often just told her to shut up.
Calla sighed aloud, throwing her quill on the table - and splattering ink on her parchment as well, but that didn't bother her, she'd clean it up later if she ever got around to it - and dropped her head in her hands as she peered at Alice. It felt wrong to talk about next year when Calla still hadn't found a way to be assured Alice would still be here next year. And she really freaking hated the whole thing. Why was Alice in this situation? If it was an option if she thought Alice would say yes, Calla thought she'd give up her own spot here next year in a heartbeat if Alice would take Calla's tuition money and use it for herself. How was it far that someone like Calla, who was only here next year to be with her friends allowed to stay when Alice, who actually wanted to be here for the education, didn't?
Calla could leave right now, even without her O.W.L.s, and she would be set. There would always be a place at the shop for her regardless of her grades. She'd grown up in the shop. She wouldn't have even needed a year at Hogwarts. But she was ninety-nine percent sure that if she offered Alice her tuition money for the next two years, Alice would never speak to her again, and that seemed worse than not having her here next year. Maybe that was selfish of Calla, that she valued her friendship with Alice over her friend achieving her dream No, it was selfish, there was no question about it. She felt a sharp pain at the realization of just how horrible of a friend she was. How could she ever think that about Alice?
"I think we need a break," Calla chirped, disregarding that the whole time she'd been there, all she'd done was copy assignments from Alice's notebook. Besides, it wasn't really her she thought needed a break, but Alice. Who knew how long she'd already been here before Calla came up. "And I smelled the elves baking cookies earlier on my way here. They'll slip you some before dinner if you ask nicely."
The casual mention of Cameron made the stark difference in their friendship from earlier years glaringly obvious. He was once as close to her as Sloane or Sisse; he was an excellent confidante with an enjoyable spirit. Meanwhile he hadn't said more than fifty words to her this school year, with the bulk of those being during an argument in the library. Cameron was as lost to her as Sloane or Calla even. A friend she would never know again.
"Perhaps not," Alice answered uneasily as she turned her attention back fully to her book. She still had several paragraphs of the essay left to produce, then there was the editing and second draft. All work she wouldn't be able to complete so long as Calla was sitting with her. So when the Hufflepuff mentioned leaving the library, Alice released a quick huff of frustration. "I have a lot left to do. I'm sure Sisse or Sloane would be willing to join you."