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This is: Beryl - Beryl Wixeldorf - February 4, 2022

[Image: uEEDRj.gif]

This is Beryl. A budding sociopath who is ready to give you shady looks and hell. Unless of course you pass her ridiculously impossible standards.

Fellow Mean Girl Besties:
Ideally these girls would be a mirror of snobbiness and intellectual merit. Pureblood as well as much as it pains me to type.

Designated Unintelligent Female Friends of course! [but for real if you haven't seen the movie is a pretty good laugh] These would be girls that aren't sharp enough to catch on that Beryl hasn't actually warmed up to them, but rather keeps them around to make herself feel better. Average grades, any class, any blood [although non purebloods will get those kind of microaggressions that make you feel like you can't bring it up without being seen as overreacting].

Have you ever thought to yourself, 'Man, I wish Regina George would come verbally step on my characters throat and traumatize them.'? WELL LOOK NO FURTHER! Beryl here will gladly bully the crap out of your characters! She won't do it in classes as she's smart enough to not do it in front of adults, but the corridors and other school places are our oyster!

Hogwarts Adults:
I imagine Beryl can come off to some as troubled as she hasn't mastered the skill of perfecting her façade. Especially any that might know of her mother who is a nightmare [to put it nicely]. Other then that she is a top tier student - perhaps even a bit of a showoff to flaunt her intellect.

Beryl spends a lot of time in the library as she is hyper focused on being better then everyone else. Also books don't have mouths to annoy her with [well, most don't haha]. She also shares this sentiment with plants and will spend time in the greenhouses if they are emptier.

RE: This is: Beryl - Madeleine Backus - February 4, 2022

Cadawalader Selwyn - someone else with anti-social personality disorder! He is a little more adept at hiding it and is 2 years older than her, but there might be runway there for a plot or two.

@"Emma Binns" - is a likely victim - she is a year older than her but known for whimsical imaginative playing - and newly ascended to the upper classes. So social climbing jabs all around!

Meserimus Valenduris - probably see's through her - I enjoy posting detentions with him, so if you want her to get in trouble we can certainly thread that

RE: This is: Beryl - Juniper Edevane - February 4, 2022

Juniper Edevane is a seventh year Slytherin. She tries to be nice but she’s kind of rude lol. I can them either being friendly with each other because they’re similar or just not getting along. If Beryl tried to bully her I promise June would laugh in her face about it.

Also have Gus Lissington who is the DADA professor.

RE: This is: Beryl - Aldous Crouch - February 4, 2022

Hi she is not handy for torment yet, but Louisa Weasley will be at Hogwarts in the fall. Bully her, plz <3

RE: This is: Beryl - Cecily Smirnov - February 8, 2022

Hi, hello <3 I feel like Cecily here could definitely be an enemy/victim of your budding sociopath... Or, given Beryl is third year, maybe she's trying to start something hostile presently would love my curvy tall lady to have some hostile interactions, maybe some passive-aggressive ones lol

RE: This is: Beryl - Beryl Wixeldorf - February 17, 2022

Madeleine Backus
Ohhh I'd love to do something with her and Cad! Birds of the same feather and all that stuff. Since they're different houses and years apart idk how we could say they started talking, but I'm sure we could come up with something! Emma also sounds like a fun victim! I'll probably hold off on the detentions for a bit for now. XD

Juniper Edevane
I can see them getting along honestly! It's a bit of an age gap but I imagine they could run into each other in the Slytherin common room when going there for some peace of mind and studying or something.

Aldous Crouch
Anything for you my queen. I shall berate her into the ground once the new term starts. <3

Cecily Smirnov
Her muse already called her a 'lumbering tree' in my mind since she's so tall so I'd LOVE to get to some bullying shenanigan's! I could start something in the corridors if you'd like. >D

RE: This is: Beryl - Juniper Edevane - February 17, 2022

Yes! I like that. June can always use more friends lol. I can start something for them if you'd like. (I'll say this weekend buttt.... I mean, it'll probably take like two.)

RE: This is: Beryl - Imane Tuttle - February 17, 2022

Juniper Edevane
That would be awesome if you could make something for them! And no worries on if it takes one or two. :3 <3

RE: This is: Beryl - Cecily Smirnov - February 18, 2022

That would be great! "Lumbering tree" -- I'm dying xD A 5'11 fifth year being bullied by a third year a whole foot shorter is gonna be a sight

RE: This is: Beryl - Madeleine Backus - February 22, 2022

(February 17, 2022 – 4:50 AM)Beryl Wixeldorf Wrote:  Madeleine Backus
Ohhh I'd love to do something with her and Cad! Birds of the same feather and all that stuff. Since they're different houses and years apart idk how we could say they started talking, but I'm sure we could come up with something! Emma also sounds like a fun victim! I'll probably hold off on the detentions for a bit for now. XD
there was [url=] - some members of the little pureblood 'coven' have graduated - so might be time to refresh the blood! Holly Scrimgeour Gretchen Lestrange Winslow Ramsay - are they likely to be bringing some new people in?

Even if she wouldn't be invited in - we could do some transfiguration stuff - Cad is the president of the transfiguration club and so could thread at a club meeting.

I'm happy to thread her and Emma just about any time

RE: This is: Beryl - Beryl Wixeldorf - February 26, 2022

Madeleine Backus
Omg I love this pureblood 'coven' thing. If its still a thing i'd be tickled to have Beryl in it!

Ngl I tooootttttaalllllyyyy forgot clubs were a thing rofl! I'll have to go do a look through and see all of them, but considering Beryl loves being a showoff I could see her being into it to display skills and feel superior.