Paper Faces on Parade - Printable Version

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Paper Faces on Parade - Ginevra Blackwood - January 29, 2022

January 14th, 1892 — somewhere!

The evening was going well! it had taken rather a bit of planning to ensure not only the event went well but that all appropriate precautions had been taken. It had started as a speculation due to her abject boredom at how mundane and repetitive the events of the season had become and worse yet - outside of the season! There were times when she thought the winter season the bore her to death. Her personal allowances were more than enough to support the sort of expenses that parties attracted - She had a generous stipend that she could spend without question and if she told her father any additional amounts were for charity or some such and he wouldn't question it - it wouldnt be the first time she had 'padded' the budget.

The most important part for her, aside from hosting a daring or contentious event - was that she not be recognisable - which was why she was masked and veiled and for added measure her dress was spelled so that no one would be able to place who she was, if the consideration came close the thought would vanish like smoke and she would become even harder to place.

She had just exited on the salons where the display had made her bodice feel uncomfortably tight with the exhilaration, when she collided bodily with another guest - it was Oli! Bollocks! She had forgotten that he had likely gotten an invitation through certain circles. REcovering somewhat 'Apologies sir, how are you finding your evening?'

Olixander Blackwood

RE: Paper Faces on Parade - Olixander Blackwood - January 30, 2022

Olixander had to give kudos where it was due and he hoped he would come across the hostess of this splendid event in enough time to give her the credit. He was having an absolutely marvelous time. That red cigar he’d selected upon arrival was long gone and with it the demiverre pairing of whatever had been offered to him. They were spectacular, absolutely spectacular. He was feeling very floaty at the moment, like his mind had evacuated the building and was soaring over some miraculous cliff face. It was exhilarating, this feeling of flight while still having his feet firmly planted on the ground. Everything looked so different, so colorful.

Somewhere in the height of his mind, Olixander wondered what the other colored cigars and drink pairings by the entrance offered. He supposed it was likely best not to mix them too terribly, but one more set couldn’t hurt. He’d set off in search of such a set (and perhaps the restroom, if he chanced upon it) but instead of making his way towards that original exhibit, the man found himself captivated by another. He couldn’t have said what, exactly, he was looking at, but the ever shifting positions enthralled him. Some people were so creative in their exploits!

Olixander was just about to drag himself away from this particular visual when he felt a small form bump into him. The sight that greeted him was lovely, just like the event, but confusing. The woman was completely covered from head to toe and her dress didn’t quite come into focus. Olixander wondered idly if this was their hostess. He decided to play it cautiously. “The event is spectacular,” he replied with a warm smile. “I’ve felt things tonight I hadn’t felt in a long time. I credit the hostess who managed to acquire and organize such a menagerie.”

RE: Paper Faces on Parade - Ginevra Blackwood - January 30, 2022

Ginevra forced herself to smile - enigmatic rather than her usual flattering grin. 'Thank you sir' she said with all the casualness she could muster and attempting to keep any note of recognition from her voice. After all, Lady Cyrenai knew her guests but she hadn't broken bread in 'real' life with them - and certainly not with her cousin! Someone who had been invited to the Blackwood Hunt on their estates every year since he could be trusted to sit upright on a horse - certainly for as long as Ginevra could recollect.

'I'm glad the festivities have met with general approval', and she was please - as the first of these parties she was keen that it go well, so that the reputation she was hoping to cultivate would begin to grow. After ending up, rather by accident at one such event thanks to her brothers negligence in his champerone duties - but what she had seen and experienced at that event had changed something profound within her. There was clearly more to life than vaguely portentous flirting with vaguely suitable young men at parties - there was a world in which beautiful women vied for her attention as much as handsome men - it was interesting.

'If you have any suggestions for future events - I'm all ears, after all I am aim to cater to every desire.' she explained. 'Especially if it's something that others would enjoy - I have a play planned for next month' she indicated, and the tone spoke volumes - that the Valentines play would not be about the virtues of Christian love.

RE: Paper Faces on Parade - Olixander Blackwood - February 2, 2022

Upon confirmation that yes, this was in fact the hostess he was speaking with, something in Olixander prickled with excitement. This was the supposed Lady Cyrenai who had enthralled his curiosity. In part, meeting her was one of the driving factors that had brought Olixander here tonight at all. He was so intensely curious at what kind of person might actually risk their reputation enough to host such a soiree. Additionally, how did she manage to secure such fascinating exhibits and substances? She had to be very well connected to the supply of hedonistic muses, and that was exactly the type of woman Olixander wanted on his arm. And in his bed.

“I’m glad to know I have your ear,” the gentleman drawled, leaning closer to the woman. She wasn’t too very tall; a perfect height and size all around. “A play sounds intriguing. Will you be one of the actors?” The note in Olixander’s voice very much implied that he’d have liked for her to be.

RE: Paper Faces on Parade - Ginevra Blackwood - February 11, 2022

The explicit nature of the presentation that was intended for the coming months was rather exciting - and she couldn't wait for all that Lady Cyrenai would give her the freedom to do. Until she was married Lady Cyrenai would need to be a secret, a mask she wore to protect her reputation until she secured the marriage that would also secure her place in society. By belonging to a man she would secure her position as 'belonging' in society. A married name would allow her to shed the name of Lady Cyrenai -reclaim her work and her legacy for herself.

Vera didn't move as he closed the distance, 'No, I don't like to fake anything' she laughed teasingly, 'Although I am sure the revels off stage will far surpass those on.'

RE: Paper Faces on Parade - Olixander Blackwood - February 11, 2022

The jingle in that laugh sounded so vaguely familiar… but the moment Olixander tried to grab hold of the thought, it vanished as if it had never appeared. Instead, he grinned in return, encouraged by the fact that Lady Cyrenai hadn’t edged away from him as he intruded upon her personal space. Perhaps discovering her identity would be a simple feat, if he played his cards right. Who knew? She could just be an upperclass hussy looking for the right man to come along and be a source of… what was that word everyone was so scared of? Ruin.

“I hope you make time to partake in such revels yourself,” he hummed close to her ear. “I’d love to have your flower in my cap as a source of inspiration for months to come.”

RE: Paper Faces on Parade - Ginevra Blackwood - February 16, 2022

Vera laughed again, - what a hopefull and confident fellow Olixander was in these circumstances. This was a much more interesting version of him than she had experience before. She would need to make sure he was incuded on her future guest lists.

'I often do Mister Blackwood' she said, making it clear that she knew the identity of her guests, even if they were unsure as to her identity, 'although I am desperately selective as to my partners' she mused, teasingly. 'Perhaps in time you may indeed earn that honour' she said, almost as though musing to herself and not the eager man. 'and I'm sure I'll think of things that you might do to earn the opportunity.' One of the serving girls, in her short petticoats and state of almost complete undress appeared at her elbow and leaned up to whisper in her ear - she was needed in one of the other rooms. 'But tonight is not that night it seems' she teased, 'Tonight I shall need to leave you to other companions.' she nodded to the petticoated girl who immediately draped herself over the gentleman. 'Good evening Mister Blackwood.'

RE: Paper Faces on Parade - Olixander Blackwood - February 18, 2022

Olixander preened as Lady Cyenai expressed her pickiness about suitors. Well, he was quite the catch.

He was about to open his mouth and continue their casual flirtation when someone interrupted them. Olixander couldn’t be too angry; the girl that had come over was positively dripping in good looks and, had he any less class about him, his tongue might have fallen out of his head to pant. Still, he was sad to see Lady Cyrenai go even as the ravishing young woman came to lean all over him.

“Good evening to you Lady Cyrenai,”
he parroted back to her with a wink.