Retconning Ricky - Printable Version

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Retconning Ricky - Richelle O'Connell - January 1, 2022

I believe I've realized why I'm having a hard time with Ricky.

Similarly to what ultimately happened to Alina, Ricky's main tie was cut off and she was an adoptable from that tie. With that, I think she needs a fresh start. The problem with attempting a fresh start is that her muse will likely be incredibly reluctant to being the main muse if I should independently retcon her and work my way from there.

My lovely lady is likely to go inactive as I work-out the logistics, which is fine since she will be brought back by the time I'm done. To get to the point, here are my goals and what I need:

I genuinely wanna keep her face, nickname, profession, and sexuality. I also want to obtain played family - which is the reason for this post. Ideally, I would love siblings and/or parents. If cousins are more realistic, I'm alright with that as well. Full warning, working class is extremely difficult for me, so please keep that in mind when making suggestions. I would also have a hard time with muggleborn, since Ricky is dying for connections and muggle family is hard to connect with.

Her family doesn't have to love her working, but wouldn't ban her from doing so or disown her - both of which would kinda defeat the purpose. XD

Now is also the perfect time to establish previous - and even current? - lesbian lovers, so come at me!

RE: Retconning Ricky - Rose Hart - January 1, 2022

Elizabeths family are a sprawling tribe with a propensity for spawning ladies and spinsters- she would need to be an older aunt (the youngers of Lizzys fathers siblings) or a cousin of the cardew line. Lizzy had a maiden aunt who wasn't forced to marry, and Lizzy works, so it wouldn't be out of course for the family. They are the upper end of MC, Lizzys immediate family are limited only by how many of them there are, but the other branches would be comfortably upper MC.