RE: What are you listening to? - Roberto Devine - October 7, 2021
RE: What are you listening to? - Clarissa Cosgrove - December 24, 2021
What am I listening to? Oh, nothing. Just this marvelous Clarissa playlist by Beanie!
RE: What are you listening to? - Loretta Browne - January 2, 2022
One of these days, I want a plot that involves this song. But then again, I have plot ideas that stem from a lot of songs often xD
RE: What are you listening to? - Josiah Rohlwing - April 26, 2022
^that's been on my general plot wishlist for ages xD
RE: What are you listening to? - Lear Galcote - November 18, 2022
Recently, I've been able to get back into the goth/darkwave subculture, as I live somewhere with an actual scene surrounding it now, and it just wasn't fun not having places or concerts to go to anymore ealier. Diva Destruction is still one of my favourite artists from the genre and I've been blasting her songs for days now (on headphones of course, as I'd rather not have my flatmates throw me out). This one has been on particularly often:
RE: What are you listening to? - Aristide Selwyn - November 18, 2022
Obsessed with one of the bridges of 1975's About You song and judging from this, I'm not the only one xD
RE: What are you listening to? - Tycho Dodonus - July 27, 2023
Obsessed with this song lately, especially the line you with the dark curls, you with the watercoloured eyes
RE: What are you listening to? - Elias Grimstone - July 27, 2023
this is on elias' playlist generally, but also the lyric might as well do your worst to me is exactly how i feel whenever bee and lady conspire to ruin my life xD
RE: What are you listening to? - Irene Crawley - July 28, 2023
Just in case anyone wants to know what I've been torturing myself with
RE: What are you listening to? - Tycho Dodonus - December 19, 2023
I watched this today and this song is stuck in my head.