RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Nabil Wahbi - August 8, 2020
Nabil swooped in and snatched up the quaffle. He started to fly higher in the air, hoping to avoid any incoming bludgers.
(D1 -> C1)
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Jamal Selhim - August 8, 2020
Jamal reckoned he would have to buy Nabil a drink when this was over. He would take any breathing space over the relentless onslaught of the British chasers!
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Karim Hassani - August 8, 2020
Still flying.
D2 to C2
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Nabil Wahbi - August 8, 2020
Nabil threw the quaffle toward Meryem, hoping to get it closer to where they actually needed to score the damn ball.
(Staying in C1)
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Karim Hassani - August 8, 2020
Reaching the bludger, Karim whacked it towards the nearby female chaser, praying the broom beneath her shattered and plunged to the ground.
C2 to B1, hitting bludger at Augusta Robins
Amelia Evans
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Lachlan MacFusty - August 8, 2020
A successful block. Good. He could feel the soreness in his arms, but nonetheless started flying towards the other beaters.
(E2 --> D1)
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Abbas al-Benali - August 8, 2020
Abbas flew off towards Idrissi, hoping to be around if she caught the quaffle.
(C1 --> C2)
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Augusta Robins - August 9, 2020
Gus threw her hands up in momentary celebration at another successful shot. She and Bixby were on fire today! Well, best not speak too soon - Wahbi had gotten the quaffle. Worried about the beater and bludger on her tail, Gus rounded back hastily towards Idrissi in an attempt to snatch the quaffle before it got to her.
B1 -> C2, attempted quaffle interception Amelia Evans
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Rufus Bixby - August 9, 2020
Rufus has swerved in an attempt to block the bludger but the bloody thing slammed past his arm. He grimaced but was well experienced in bludger bruises over the years.
Watching the Moroccan chaser snag the quaffle Rufus flew near Robins, hoping her attempt at an interception could quickly switch back to a quick goal if needed.
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
NPC - August 10, 2020
Aug 22nd, 1890 - Portree Stadium
"MY WORD! Bixby escapes the Moroccan beater Aaloui by the skin of his teeth — ouch! Robbins is hit by Hassani's bludger, though hit looks like she'll come out of it fairly unscathed, that'll smart tomorrow... I DON'T BELIEVE IT, she's intercepted the quaffle by just a hair!"
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
A |
B |
KH ZA BL * * |
AP |
C |
O--- AA NW RB |
---O |
D |
LM |
E |
<-- LEFT |
RIGHT --> |
Moroccan Score Zone |
British Score Zone |
Moroccan Players -- British Players
0040 MOROCCO || BRITAIN 0070
* = Bludger Positions
Game Play Directions
***Please tag Amelia Evans with your moderation needs: interceptions, goal attempts & bludger hits!***
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Jamal Selhim - August 10, 2020
Jamal swore, hoping one of their beaters would take out the ginger chaser and at least try and alleviate some of the pressure the British were putting on them. Jamal prowled back and forth across his rings as the play was once again headed in his direction.
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Nabil Wahbi - August 10, 2020
Nabil cursed as the quaffle was intercepted. He could no longer contain his mischief. Rising up, he unapologetically reached into his pocket and began to drop stink pellets, letting them rain down as he moved down the field toward Britain's female chaser.
Fuck it all.
(C1 -> C2)
(I dunno if this needs to be moderated?
Amelia Evans )
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Abbas al-Benali - August 10, 2020
Abbas groaned. He needed to get his hands on the quaffle, now. He headed towards Robins and attempted to bump him broomstick into her, hoping it might knock the quaffle away from her.
(C1 --> C2)
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Lachlan MacFusty - August 10, 2020
Lach headed towards one of the bludgers. He needed to get them away from his players before they were knocked right out of the sky. Hassani was becoming more of a pain in the arse than the kneecapping one.
(D1 --> C1)
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Karim Hassani - August 10, 2020
Not wanting to deal with Macfusty's constant interference of his bludgers, Karim whacked the nearest one towards the English beater.
B1, aiming bludger at Lachlan Macfusty
Amelia Evans
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Lachlan MacFusty - August 10, 2020
Lach attempted to whack it back in his direction. Fuck Hassani.
(C2, attempted redirection)
Amelia Evans