What are you listening to? - Printable Version

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RE: What are you listening to? - Bella Scrimgeour - January 3, 2019

warning: tear-jerking video :P

RE: What are you listening to? - Ophelia Devine - January 3, 2019

The 1975 got very electronic-y in their new album, which isn't my jam, except for this song which I'm really in to:

it also gives me hope that maybe Alfred's PB isn't going to have that stupid bleach blond hair forever

RE: What are you listening to? - Roberto Devine - January 6, 2019

so. obsessed.

also gives me lowkey benari feels

RE: What are you listening to? - Ignatius Quirrell - September 16, 2019

RE: What are you listening to? - Chrysanta Ruskin {Ocean} - September 16, 2019

RE: What are you listening to? - Avery Wilkinson - February 29, 2020

If you haven't watched Babylon Berlin yet, go and watch it! Crime series set in 1920s Berlin, and the soundtrack is godlike.

RE: What are you listening to? - Roberto Devine - March 17, 2020

RE: What are you listening to? - Zelda Darrow - March 19, 2020

RE: What are you listening to? - Cassius Lestrange - March 23, 2020

RE: What are you listening to? - Roberto Devine - April 26, 2020

this has been stuck in my head allll day

RE: What are you listening to? - Roberto Devine - April 30, 2020

Another "it was stuck in kit's head all day" song

RE: What are you listening to? - Josiah Rohlwing - May 16, 2020

RE: What are you listening to? - Zelda Darrow - June 7, 2020

I have been fixating 0n this cover for DAYS NOW

RE: What are you listening to? - Ursula Black - September 10, 2020

I can't get this out of my head send help D:

RE: What are you listening to? - Octavius d'Orsay - September 25, 2020

Listening to this LO-FI Playlist is really great when I just want some zen, peaceful but not distracting music in the background.

RE: What are you listening to? - Atticus Lilywick - September 26, 2020

Melanie Martinez is QUEEN. She just dropped a new EP, but this album is by far my favorite. It's part of a full length film she made that I highly recommend if you like weird stuff like me haha. Also, warning that a lot of her songs have explicit words in them encase that's something that bothers you.