QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco - Printable Version

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RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco - NPC - August 4, 2020

Aug 22nd, 1890 - Portree Stadium

"AAANNNDDD it's Bixby who snatches the quaffle up again! Let's see if the Moroccan team can catch up to what is clearly a great start for team Britain!"

0 1 2 3 4 5
C O--- AP    AA   *
D AR    MI LM   RB     NW*

<-- LEFT RIGHT -->
Moroccan Score Zone British Score Zone
Moroccan Players -- British Players
0010 Morocco || Britain 020
* = Bludger Positions
Game Play Directions
***Please tag Amelia Evans with your moderation needs: interceptions, goal attempts & bludger hits!***

Sry all, that last one was my bad I didn't specify -- thankfully the coin flip had him dropping the Quaffle anyways so we're all good. #NewtoQuidditchModding xDD

RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco - Rufus Bixby - August 4, 2020

Rufus quickly turned around and started to head back toward the Moraccan team's goal post, grateful for the coverage of a Beater behind him.

D4 to C3

RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco - Zakarya Alaoui - August 4, 2020

Things were not going great, not for Morocco anyhow. Fortunately Britain barely had a lead on them but it was more a case that they weren't as together yet as their opponents. What his fellow beater was even doing he had no clue! Zak himself had been trying to quickly assess the play style of the other team before diving into the fray. His teammate being hit by a bludger signaled that he had tarried too long.

Zak locked his eyes onto the nearest bludger and finally sprang into action.

B2 -> C2

RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco - Rufus Bixby - August 4, 2020

This was what Rufus liked best about quidditch, the wind sweeping past him, quaffle under arm, a good team about him. Intent on his goal he swerved toward an open space near the goal posts.

C3 to B2

RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco - Karim Hassani - August 4, 2020

This game was not off to a good start. Determined not to go down without a fight, Karim flew across the field to try and retrieve the other bludger.

D2 to C3

RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco - Rufus Bixby - August 4, 2020

Finally! Rufus had reached the other end of the field. He aimed and threw the quaffle toward the goal posts.

B2 to B1

Amelia Evans

RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco - Jamal Selhim - August 4, 2020

Jamal saw the British chaser approach and reacted to try and defend the goals from another assault

RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco - Zakarya Alaoui - August 4, 2020

With the bludger within reach Zak gave an almighty swing hoping to make a devastating close range attack on Pettigrew.

Amelia Evans

RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco - NPC - August 4, 2020

Aug 22nd, 1890 - Portree Stadium

"Oh and look at that, a successful save on behalf of Moroccan team*!!! And look, ladies and gentleman, that poor Arthur Pettigrew, looks like Mr. Alaoui from the Moroccan team has done a bit of a number on him. A broken kneecap, that has to hurt!!"

*first to the Quaffle gets it!

0 1 2 3 4 5
B   RB  
C O--- AP    AA   ZA*
KH    BL
D AR    MI LM  NW*

<-- LEFT RIGHT -->
Moroccan Score Zone British Score Zone
Moroccan Players -- British Players
0020 Morocco || Britain 020
* = Bludger Positions
Game Play Directions
***Please tag Amelia Evans with your moderation needs: interceptions, goal attempts & bludger hits!***

RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco - Karim Hassani - August 4, 2020

He was still flying towards the bludger.

C3 to D4

RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco - Rufus Bixby - August 4, 2020

Rufus dove for the quaffle doubled back and shot again. He wasnt going to let the team lose momentum because of one shot that should have made it.

Amelia Evans

RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco - Augusta Robins - August 4, 2020

Bixby took a shot - or two - and Gus crossed her fingers (metaphorically, she had her hand on her broom) that the Moroccan keeper wouldn't have the reflexes to save the second. Either way, she flew a little nearer to back Bixby up at the hoops. All the fun was at this end! (Although not so much for Pettigrew.)
D2 -> C1

RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco - Esteban Zavala - August 4, 2020

Esteban kept his eyes on the action across the pitch, waiting to see if they would start flying to his end of the pitch. At the moment, all the action seemed to be at the other end which was great for them.

RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco - Arthur Pettigrew - August 4, 2020

Shit. Pain exploded in Arthur's kneecap and it was only years of practice that kept his broom steady; still, he cussed loudly and impolitely. He flew away from the bludger.

[C2 -> B2]

RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco - Karim Hassani - August 4, 2020

Karim reached the bludger and shot it downfield at the female chaser.

D4 hitting bluder towards Augusta Robins
Amelia Evans

RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco - Lachlan MacFusty - August 4, 2020

On the opposite end of the pitch from everyone, Lachlan watched with a grimace as Pettigrew took a bludger to the knee. More pressing than making sure their chaser was alright was making sure one of the Moroccan beaters did not take out another player. Lachlan attempted to block the bludger that Hassani shot in Robins' direction.
Amelia Evans