I feel like there has to be some balance. If we were too alike it would be fairly boring. The bickering has to come from somewhere; most of the time I enjoy it. I do think the stubbornness helps with that too though. A few common interests keeps us well, interested. We will have the most incredibly stubborn, gorgeous children some day, that neither one of us will stop worrying about.
Perhaps the stress is catching up with you, please make sure you take care of yourself before you leave. We'll be sharing a bed soon enough, Love, then we'll both sleep much better.
I think if our daughters are anything like me I'll be grey long before I'm actually old. I think we can raise them all to be independent and smart enough to know better. It will be absolutely perfect.
The locket is incredibly beautiful, I love it, thank you. It's sentimental because it came from you; I'll never take it off. I don't have anything nearly as meaningful to send back, the pendant will have to do. I admit I have your handkerchief tucked safely under my pillow.I thought about embroidering it while you were gone,
I wish you wouldn't talk like that, you're making my anxiety over this soar through the roof. I have confidence in you and I just have to hope this will all turn out alright. Give me something to think about as a distraction.
I think you're right, we'll have to make up some more appropriate story, though our first initial adventure would work with a few tweaks. I'll tell them after they're older and married already. This makes me think that perhaps I ought to give my own mother a break.
My grandmother gave me that pendant for my thirteenth birthday. My birthday is in October, but she didn't like the gemstone, so she went with February's instead, which is coincidentally, why the amethyst is my favorite, to answer your question. I've actually never taken it off until the other night, but I thought the sentiment too important to withhold.
I'm pretty sure you already know I like a good firewhiskey, but chamomile tea and pumpkin juice also make it onto my list of favorite drinks. I like the rain of spring the most actually, when everything turns green and flowers.
Tell me something nobody else knows about you?
I'm slowly starting to realize that I really should be on my best behavior for a while or I really will be bitten by karma, if we have a daughter. I'm going to go buy her some flowers tomorrow I think, unless there's a tornado of I don't know, crickets or something. I think I'll be able to handle boys much easier. I'll teach all of them to play quidditch though, my brother will insist on that.
Please hold onto the pendant. I'm not superstitious but I do hope it provides a little bit of luck or something. I don't know, it felt right. Plus now I have a beautiful replacement for the meantime. It's hiding right where my pendant usually is.
Thank you for telling me about your family. I'm sorry, that must have been terribly lonely growing up. I remember you mentioning your father here and there, but coming from such a large family myself I can't even imagine what that would be like. Believe me, I have enough family and I love them, but they're loud and they'll be all over our business. You should be fully prepared for a lot of questions and big family dinners on holidays.
I haven't even really told my sisters this; when August was missing everybody else eventually gave him up as lost, but I couldn't. I don't know if it's a twin thing or just the optimism, but I refused to believe he was actually gone and I would never see him again. It was a strange feeling, to mourn someone you didn't actually think was dead. I've never been happier to be right in my entire life, even if it's been a slow road to having him fully "back".
I should probably let you sleep, you need to rest up for tomorrow. Please be safe, be smart. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Please come home to me. I love you.