Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Printable Version

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RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Lester Hatchitt - June 8, 2022

If he was sober, he wouldn't have been surprised — (if he was sober, they never would have been in this situation.) As it was, Lester's eyes widened in a dumb expression of surprise, and then he was leaning forward and he pressed his mouth to Sisse's.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Sisse Thompsett - June 8, 2022

Sisse's eyes had fluttered closed as her lips touched his warm cheek but they opened as she stepped back, looking askance at him. She had never kissed anyone other than her immediate family on the cheek and it seemed awfully familiar, and brought upon to explain why she had done so Sisse wasn't quite certain she would be able to explain.

Lester's eyes were wide as she watched him, surprise written on his features clearly enough for Sisse to feel a seed of doubt. But it was all too quickly abandoned as he moved in, leaning his head down, and before she realized it his own lips were on her's and she was being kissed!

It felt as if her whole body was tingling and distantly Sisse wondered at what she was suppose to be doing - after all she had never been told what one did when one was kissed. But she found the sensation delightful and when Lester moved away a dreamy smile was on her lips and all Sisse could think to say was, "Oh." As her fingers reached up to touch where his lips had been a moment before.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Lester Hatchitt - June 14, 2022

He fell back against the wall when he detached from Sisse, and there was a part of Lester that realized he probably wouldn't remember this later. "Oh," he echoed.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Sisse Thompsett - June 23, 2022

Lester seemed similarly affected, or at least that is how Sisse took his actions. Looking back she'd over think it a million times. But in this moment it seemed as precisely as if they shared the same feelings in a surprised yet happy glow.

Behind them the portrait made a rather unkind matronly sound and Sisse found herself blushing as reality hit. It was after curfew, they were alone in a corridor, and if they were caught...

"We ... we ought to get back." Sisse summoned the words nodding at the door. Back to where neither of them could get in trouble. And yet she didn't want to leave this quiet moment, didn't want to ruin it for anything. But ruin it would be if they were caught and The Fat Lady wasn't likely to keep her mouth shut long especially if an adult came along.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Lester Hatchitt - July 5, 2022

If he was out here for much longer, the nausea was going to take over, and Lester didn't want to throw up on her shoes. He had already — done several things he shouldn't, or at least one big thing, that felt so big every time he thought about it that it felt like it had to be multiple transgressions.

"I forgot the password," Lester admitted, drunkenly.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Sisse Thompsett - July 6, 2022

Despite all the feelings rolling around inside her, Sisse felt her lips quirk up into an amused smile. "Yes, I know.[/b]" It was after all, what had started this whole thing.

Turning to the Fat Lady, cheeks still pink, but a smile on her lips, Sisse tried not to look at the painting's face. "Hollyhocks." She stated with assurance, trying to seem as if she and Lester hadn't just kissed here in the corridor. As if everything were perfectly normal. But would it ever be normal again?

With a narrowing of eyes the Fat Lady swung open tutting at the two Gryffindors as they swung out of her vision. "There." Sisse's voice was more gentle as she turned to Lester again, a fond smile playing across her face.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Lester Hatchitt - July 6, 2022

There, he could go into the Gryffindor Common Room now. Feeling warm and fond and perhaps a little ill, Lester turned to her. "Thanks, Sisse," he said, stepping into the darkened common room.

RE: Let's spin apart while racing through the atmosphere - Sisse Thompsett - July 6, 2022

"You're welcome." Came Sisse's response as she followed him inside. She liked how her name sounded from his lips, would she ever be able to hear it again without thinking of what happened? She doubted it.

"Good night, Lester." She was sure her words were filled with the gentle mix of shock of emotions she had felt since he had kissed her, a fondness she couldn't explain. But before she could say or do anything foolish - or anyone could find them - Sisse slipped up the stairs to her dormitory, grateful that no one was there to see the broad grin on her lips.