You didn't. That was not my intention when I mentioned it in my last letter. I can't tell if you wanted to ensure that I stayed inside or that was just a bonus...
She's beautiful, thank you, I absolutely adore her. Violets are my favorite flower, so she's very appropriately named.
As for the dream, I believe it would best be revisited in person.
She's incredibly sweet, very gentle. I made her a little perch in my room. Did I say thank you? I really do love her.
I've sent some cookies along for being an unfair tease.
I'm quite prepared however, in case you were curious.
I've never lied to you, of course I do, did you expect anything less? I'm only slightly sorry too.
You'll have to sweet talk that recipe out of Mrs. H. yourself.
These are coming back fairly quickly, Ianthe isn't even bothered, are you in town after all?
It's a pity you're so busy, you're so close by. I'm only kidding, I know how important your job is, I just wish there was a little wiggle room in your schedule. Hopefully this fog will dissipate soon and you won't be quite so unavailable.
You are completely on your own where Mrs. H. is concerned. I will tell you she already has a soft spot for you, so it shouldn't be too hard. She can be a stubborn old broad but only out of love. She's got a little bit of a romantic side to her too.
I hope you're being careful, you promised.
I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not sure that I am. I should be able to sneak away after everybody retires from supper. I've mostly been hiding in my room lately anyway.
Panic in times of crisis are unfortunately common, as I'm sure you know. When people are uncertain about what's going to happen, they lose their sensibilities. You'll handle it, I'm sure.
See you soon.