Hurling Season 1894 - Printable Version

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RE: Hurling Season 1894 - Irene Crawley - May 26, 2024

Irene Crawley
28 | Artist | Just...#Damaged

Lost her family; fell in love with best friend's family; fell in love with best friend; got an inheritance + class bump; confessed love to best friend in letter; said best friend married someone else; fled for italy; came back from italy; went into a 3 month coma; had someone magically mess with her head (or messed with her own head tbd); #bonappetit

more info here if you'd like

Hurling for:
  • Romance / Sentiment
  • Marriage

My Hurling Style Preference: 70% CASUAL, 30% PURPOSEFUL

IC Dealbreakers: Racist, misogynist, someone who wouldn't let her paint or work

IC Ideal: LMAO are you kidding, she's not looking for anything she's done; if something DOES happen, it'll be a VERY slow burn. or not, who knows xD

OOC Ideal: I on the other hand want her hurled everywhere >D From the thread linked above: "I'd like for someone to give her a wake up call that love isn't such a bad thing after all. Bonus points if you have a large family; her mother and father died, she has no siblings, and even her distant cousin, bless her, is content to stay in Italy so she's kinda got no family around her. What the girl needs is to be wrapped up in a huge blanket and just tossed into a chaotic family and forced to adjust. Pls help her, otherwise she'll be content with being by herself for the rest of her days."

Hurling Grounds: London, though people from Hogsmeade will likely recognize her from before she went to Italy

RE: Hurling Season 1894 - Sage Whitby - May 26, 2024

Sage Whitby
WCHB | Mediwitch | Single w/ Complications

Sage could use a romance win. She's employed, outgoing, loyal; oh and she has a secret baby that will be coming back into the picture later this year. I live for the drama.

Hurling for:
  • Romance / Sentiment
  • Marriage
  • Sex
  • Ongoing Affair

My Hurling Style Preference: CASUAL in the most chaotic of ways.

IC Dealbreakers: Snobby, purist, "lazy", doesn't want a family.

IC Ideal: WC/MCAB love match who challenges her!

OOC Ideal: Someone who checks her boxes and then BAM we get hit with the bastard baby. How that ends is up to you!

Hurling Grounds: Mediwitch, so #anywhere

RE: Hurling Season 1894 - Clarissa Cosgrove - May 26, 2024

Clarissa Cosgrove

A debutante that attended PSYR and is generally regarded as a 'catch' in society.

Hurling for:
  • Romance / Sentiment
  • Marriage

My Hurling Style Preference: TARGETED

IC Dealbreakers: No younger than 25 aka no one younger than her. No one WC/MC. Her parents would be resistant against a muggleborn but she would not be.

IC Ideal: 25+, UCAB, not a purist
OOC Ideal: Anything goes so long as they are at least UCAB.

Hurling Grounds: Out and about in society, Hogsmeade, London, etc.

RE: Hurling Season 1894 - Dean Hudson - May 26, 2024

Dean Hudson
MCPB | Translator | Unattached Bisexual

Hi, this is Dean, he likes people, all people. Let him slither into your bed or your heart, he's not picky.

Hurling for:
  • Romance / Sentiment ish
  • Sex, lots of it
  • Ongoing Affair
  • Unrequited (towards him, he does Not pine for people)

My Hurling Style Preference: there is no preference, only a whim

IC Dealbreakers: let's be real, Dean's worst flaw is he thinks he can get anyone, so no.

IC Ideal: As long as he doesn't get caught, we don't care!

OOC Ideal: I would like some Feelings to pop up, just to make him reevaluate his life, but this is superfluous!

Hurling Grounds: Ministry, Hogsmeade, London, I can get anyone anywhere really.

RE: Hurling Season 1894 - Theodore Gallivan - May 27, 2024

Theodore Gallivan

Listen. He is not straight and still in love with his married ex so is an emotionally unavailable mess, BUT OSTENSIBLY: he's already inherited & is getting towards marriageable age, so he's here for appearance's sakes. He will also be helping to try and find his sister a husband because she's getting desperate, so will be more on the social scene this year than he prefers xD

Hurling for: (he is not looking for any of these lol)
  • Romance / Sentiment
  • Marriage
  • Sex
  • Ongoing Affair
  • Unrequited

My Hurling Style Preference: CASUAL

IC Dealbreakers: He doesn't do purists unless it's hatesex?

IC Ideal: He's aggressively not looking for anything, except Distraction, and To Look Straight from a distance.

OOC Ideal: I'm mostly here for fail!hurling, but. He is good for: fake courting, friends-to-lovers-or-unrequited-something, I am very interested to see how he would react to a woman having feelings for him, awkward society set ups, I would say feelingsless hookups but he still has zero gaydar so this could go terribly.

Hurling Grounds: MC-inclusive society events, Hogsmeade, anywhere

RE: Hurling Season 1894 - Jack Collins - May 27, 2024

Jack Collins
MCHB | HIC Creature-Induced Injuries | Widower

Jack has a son who is a rising second year, and has put himself on the backburner since his wife's death. With Emerson (available to adopt!) at school for the majority of the year now, he's got more time to give himself a chance at romance.

Hurling for:
  • Romance / Sentiment
  • Marriage
  • Casual fling?

My Hurling Style Preference: super casual

IC Dealbreakers: Younger than 25, unwilling to blend families etc.

IC Ideal: a widow with her own children, a marriage of comfort and companionship that could lead to romance.

OOC Ideal: anything.

Hurling Grounds: Anywhere!

RE: Hurling Season 1894 - Callista Adebayo - May 27, 2024

Callista Adebayo

Callista is looking for anything but love in a marriage, because she's scared of ever falling in love, just in case it's "unwise" and whatever terrible cursed end happened to her mother happens to her. She looks pretty good for a deb on paper but hasn't made it to marriage yet.

Hurling for:
  • Marriage
  • Unrequited

My Hurling Style Preference: CASUAL

IC Dealbreakers: She would only feel comfortable marrying an UCPB so as not to be side eyed by her family.

IC Ideal: She's all about expectations, and pleasing her family. Looking for something businesslike but with potential to be "happy." But not too happy.

OOC Ideal: Complications, inappropriate hurls, for her to pine over somebody and never let herself act on it, more ideas in her introduction thread. She has a passion for herbology but would not actively look for anybody she shared interests with for marriage. xD

Hurling Grounds: Society events, Hogsmeade

RE: Hurling Season 1894 - Greer Owens - May 27, 2024

Greer Owens
MCHB | Australian Seamstress| Unattached by Choice

Greer is less-than-agreeable and it's not hard to see why. She's sharp-tongued, feisty and fiercely loyal. She needs a golden retriever husband or somebody who will actively challenge her!

Hurling for:
  • Romance / Sentiment
  • Marriage
  • Sex
  • Ongoing Affair
  • Unrequited

My Hurling Style Preference: super casual

IC Dealbreakers: an asshole, unwilling to let her work, anybody who dares to breathe a bad word about the Greengrass fam

IC Ideal: she isn't looking, that's the fun.

OOC Ideal: GrumpyxSunshine, Enemies to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, she could fit some fun tropes!

Hurling Grounds: Hogsmeade, MC events, Gladrags

RE: Hurling Season 1894 - Octavia Fawley - May 27, 2024

Octavia Fawley

The Witch Weekly dubbed "Least Disappointing Debuante" of her season, Tavie wears her heart on her sleeve but isn't quite as naive as she used to be with a failed courtship and multiple Seasons behind her.

Hurling for:
  • Romance / Sentiment
  • Marriage
  • Sex
  • Ongoing Affair
  • Unrequited

My Hurling Style Preference: PURPOSEFUL | TARGETED

IC Dealbreakers: Muggle/Muggleborn, Poor

IC Ideal: UCPB, young and attractive
OOC Ideal: Errr anything?

Hurling Grounds: Society events, London, or Hogsmeade

RE: Hurling Season 1894 - Chastity Bentley - May 27, 2024

Chastity Bentley
MCMB| School Teacher| Asexual-ish

Chastity grew up in a pretty repressed household, went to Hogwarts for 4 years, and then went straight into domestic service for most of a decade, so she's interested in ~getting out there and exploring her independence, but also she's not given to being especially controversial.

Hurling for:
  • Romance / Sentiment
  • Marriage

My Hurling Style Preference: CASUAL | PURPOSEFUL

IC Dealbreakers: Nothing that I can immediately think of.

IC Ideal: Someone upstanding and responsible like she is. Don't rock the boat.
OOC Ideal: I mean. By all means. <.< Rock the boat. Alternatively, am always down for friends to lovers. Always.

Hurling Grounds: Irvingly, mostly, but also Hogsmeade.

RE: Hurling Season 1894 - Ozymandias Dempsey - May 27, 2024

Ozymandias Dempsey

Fuckboy Minister of Magic. Recently suffered an ego blow when Sina discovered his affair with Sophia Voss, so he's mostly interested in reassuring himself he's Still Got It when it comes to casual hookups.

Hurling for:
  • Sex

My Hurling Style Preference: CASUAL

IC Dealbreakers: younger than 21, purist (but could work for hatesex!), probably the longer he's in office the more being generally stupid about politics will become a turnoff.

IC Ideal: someone hot and sassy but not sassy enough to make him actually stop and take notice. Interesting but still forgettable.
OOC Ideal: drama, probably not feelings, blackmail, tense/awkward fallout, weird conversations with your husband, etc.

Hurling Grounds: anywhere but not poor places

RE: Hurling Season 1894 - Mason Skeeter - May 27, 2024

Mason Skeeter
MCHB | Herbology Professor | Unattached

Ya boy needs a nice lady. It's getting a little desperate, tbh. Hogwarts is a bit of a mess and he doesn't want to be that confirmed bachelor professor, nope.

Hurling for:
  • Romance / Sentiment
  • Marriage

My Hurling Style Preference: I might actually be purposeful here.

IC Dealbreakers: Anyone he has ever taught for more than like 2 years. No seriously.

IC Ideal: Someone approaching spinsterhood that could do with a comfortable, companionable marriage? 25 at the youngest, nobody purist/classist/ist anything really.

OOC Ideal: Messy, always messy.

Hurling Grounds: Summer!Mason can be anywhere!

RE: Hurling Season 1894 - Clementine Greengrass - May 27, 2024

Clementine Greengrass

Clementine's brothers have plans. Clementine does not. Clementine, if pushed into a corner, would like to make Fortitude Greengrass think she's in love with someone that would make him want to die.

Hurling for:
  • Romance / Sentiment
  • Horrifying Ford

My Hurling Style Preference: CASUAL

IC Dealbreakers: Not open to feminism


Hurling Grounds: Hogsmeade; MCPB appropriate events.

RE: Hurling Season 1894 - Beatrice Daphnel - May 27, 2024

Beatrice Daphnel

Beatrice is very much not good at *this*. Her anxiety has always gotten the better of her and even a year at Pendergast's wasn't enough to overcome it. But she has a slightly concerningly large dowry and a very committed mother who will see her married. Oh, and she's got a bit of something lurking underneath... something big enough that it led to accidental murder.

Hurling for:
  • Romance / Sentiment
  • Marriage

My Hurling Style Preference: PURPOSEFUL | TARGETED

IC Dealbreakers: Cruel, Loud

IC Ideal: Someone with a quiet lifestyle out of the spotlight, kind and understanding
OOC Ideal: Either that or the exact opposite

Hurling Grounds: Society events and Hogsmade but other locations can work

RE: Hurling Season 1894 - Iphigenia Adebayo - May 27, 2024

Iphigenia Adebayo

Transfiguration and astronomy enthusiast, daughter of a wealthy Nigerian man in trading. That sounds like a weird email scam, but it isn't!

Hurling for:
  • Romance / Sentiment
  • Marriage
  • Unrequited

My Hurling Style Preference: CASUAL | PURPOSEFUL
For 'general inquiries', I prefer a more casual route. If something clicks in or things are talked out OOC, I would love to shift gears to a bit more purposeful!

IC Dealbreakers: Under 25. Not UC. Thinks women should be seen and not heard. Racist.

IC Ideal: Wealthy and attractive with the same interests and intense physical chemistry. Will make Matilda Farris jealous.
OOC Ideal: Maximum entertainment. For me.

Hurling Grounds: where is your character most likely to interact with new people?

RE: Hurling Season 1894 - Isolde Glynn - May 27, 2024

Isolde Glynn
WCHB | Social & Gossip Reporter | Unattached

A hopeless romantic, Izzy is more in love with the idea of love than the practicalities of it. She wants to be romanced and swept off her feet, which is wildly unrealistic and therefore fun.

Hurling for:
  • Romance / Sentiment
  • Marriage
  • Sex?
  • Ongoing Affair
  • Unrequited - let me burn for youuuu

My Hurling Style Preference: casual

IC Dealbreakers: ehhh she might be blind to flaws if she's In Love enough

IC Ideal: a whirlwind romance; marrying up; someone who will let her write novels and not work

OOC Ideal: this is so open!

Hurling Grounds: Hogsmeade, the Glen, S&S, London at a stretch if she's covering an event