Kill Me Tomorrow, Just Let Me Live Tonight - Printable Version

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RE: Kill Me Tomorrow, Just Let Me Live Tonight - Juniper Edevane - October 2, 2022

If Juniper had placed a bet on how this dance would go, it wouldn’t be this - she loathed every fiber of Cassian Valenduris’ being yet here she was, speaking of things that excited her. She should be speaking of things she wanted to do to him, and not in the ways he had previously enjoyed. When he leaned him she pulled in a sharp breath before releasing it with a tiny laugh. It felt like a betrayal to herself, to be enjoying the banter that had been bouncing between them. June needed to focus on her end goal of breaking his heart just as much as he’d broken hers - she’d be damned to have spent an entire year stewing in rage, putting off classes and assignments in favor of learning spells she wanted to test out on him for nothing.

“Cassian.” June breathed out his name like a prayer as she forewent all formalities between them. “This isn’t a career event and I don’t need to be convinced. If I could, I would walk in and start tomorrow.” She offered him a smile to match his own, her fingers tightening against his arms as he spun her; it took her a few seconds to gain her bearings again, but when she glanced back up at him she couldn’t help but to smile at him. “But I’m afraid I’ll have to wait and see if the Flint Institution quenches my thirst. And if not, it will be a long eight years before I’m a spinster who can have a career, and then you can buy me lunch as a congratulatory obligation on my first day.” Juniper winked at him, for good measure.

Honestly, if there was any man standing in this room who would allow her such measures, she might give it her all to become his wife. It complicated things with Mister Blackwood (who she absolutely did not have a crush on). She most decidedly was still extremely angry with him, and he might knock Cassian down to number two on her shit list if he didn’t stop ignoring her. (Not that she ever imagined herself getting married to the man!) She didn’t like him, he didn’t like her, which meant Juniper was free to court whoever she wanted, Mister Blackwood be damned.

Her eyes flitted around to look for him, to make sure he was watching her.

“Sometimes I feel like a hostage of status.” The blonde mumbled under her breath, visibly a bit deflated. It took her a moment to straighten her back and return her gaze back to the man’s face. “Thank you for the vote of confidence.” She finally settled on, as she wasn’t sure what else to say - despite it being an entirely fictional scenario, there wasn’t much Juniper wouldn’t give to make it a reality. Instead she’d become a reluctant wife (of anyone who was not Mr. Blackwood) and a mother to children she wasn’t even sure she wanted. She'd host balls and greet people she didn't care for; she hated having strangers in her house, looking and gossiping over what they saw. The Edevanes had a lot to hide.

His words drew June’s attention back to him, and she laughed quietly, pleased to be out of her own head. “Well I’m sure there are some redeemable qualities I haven’t seen yet in you, if people are willingly following you.” She teased him, and the very thought made her frown. Once upon a time she’d been the same - she’d willingly followed him without much thought. Why was she being nice to him, damn it? His smile was anything but kind, so she leaned into him and lowered her voice to a whisper, although she was unable to keep the gaiety from seeping into her words. “I think you are the Pied Piper of Criminals, Mr. Valenduris. You seem like you’re there to help when in reality you’re a mere beacon of false promises.” 

June tilted her head as her lips curled into something akin to amusement. “I wonder why that is.”

RE: Kill Me Tomorrow, Just Let Me Live Tonight - Cassian Valenduris - October 10, 2022

Finally, maybe?, Cass sensed that they may be making progress. The blatant hostility he felt emitting from her like waves of heat seemed to simmer down, anyway. The darkness in her eyes somewhat lifted, especially when she seemed to focus on the questions he asked. Enough to remind him then, maybe a little, what he so appreciated about Juniper from the last summer besides her razor-sharp wit. The young lady was quite pretty, when her expression mixed with something besides dour.

As soon as he’d grasped it of course, the moment disappeared. His name on her lips felt like it might disintegrate to acid, and he smirked at her frustration, even as her smile grew fake-wider. “Flint Institute to stave off a life of boredom as a debutante,” he assessed casually, bringing her around in a requisite spin for the dance. “An excellent move for a lady with such unsung ability.” Complimenting her approach to staving off society life she felt so suffocating, on one hand, but the subtext implied something else and perhaps she’d pick up on it. A gentle taunt that he now knew precisely where she’d be spending her time, should he need to find her.

Not that he’d have reason to. Probably.

Though they shared some things in common after all, his smile turned a touch apologetic. His eyes wandered away from their dance briefly, clocking the way her father watched them like a hawk. Juniper would be foolish to try anything here, no matter how angry he made her, and they both knew it. “We’re all hostages in our own way,” he relented. Briefly his mind flickered to Vincent. He didn’t wish to dwell on dissecting why.

Blessedly (and this was a strange word to use in reference to Juniper fucking Edevane), the young woman drew his attention away from the painful back to the current. The compliment felt laced with something he couldn’t put a finger on – ah, there it is. A backhand.

“Pied Piper, hm?” he huffed a laugh, impassively playing off a remark that, in truth, stung. It tugged on his responsibility to his family, to his father’s memory. It twisted at his subconscious, which knew his upward trajectory wasn’t all that squeaky clean. It made him question if he made the right call on where to station his men and keep them alive. This was more impressive than he’d give her credit for– that she found a nerve, after all her nicks and scratches. “What’s your evidence, to make such an insult on my integrity?” he plowed through with a smile. If she wanted to bitch about what happened, he was going to make her relieve the excruciating detail.

RE: Kill Me Tomorrow, Just Let Me Live Tonight - Juniper Edevane - October 13, 2022

Valenduris was beginning to piss her off, and Juniper scowled at him as her fingers tightened against him. The backhanded compliments were getting old, even if he was just backfiring to the ones she was throwing off and it wasn’t often she got a formidable appointment who had just as sharp of a tongue as she did. But tonight she didn’t want an opponent; tonight she wanted nothing more than to tear him down and make him suffer in ways he hadn’t thought possible – why, she wanted Cassian Valenduris to feel like nothing more than garbage castaway on the cobblestones.

Her lips pursed together as she snorted. “Screw off, Valenduris because just remember, you’ll be marrying a bored little debutante one day. And I hope she finds ways to stave off boredom in ways that hurt you.” I hope she hates you, sat on the tip of her tongue, but she swallowed the words instead. She wouldn’t wish that on him, no. Juniper would make those words a reality when she went out of her way to befriend his future beloved and turn her on him. If there was one thing she was good at in life it was making her dreams a reality. Her lips parted as she breathed out a hollow laugh toward a plan he wouldn’t ever see coming. It might take a while, years even, but he would learn that Juniper Edevane held a grudge and held it well.

She ignored the comment because she wasn’t in any mood for him to agree with her. They were polar opposites and quite frankly the blonde was an asshole and deserved to be a hostage to his situation - as a male he had every right to choose his own fate, and he felt trapped it was his own doing. Hers wasn’t. She was a hostage because society deemed women fragile little creatures who needed constant social interaction and attention. June wanted neither of those, not in ways that were forced upon her. Wasn’t that a lovely state of karma? She smiled then, something genuine and real because his torment of being trapped made her giddy.

He laughed but her eyes narrowed as she caught a quick look of something in his eye; regret, maybe? Annoyance? It was gone in the blink of an eye, followed by a question that made her entire body tense beneath his fingers. So this was the game he was going to play; he knew exactly what he’d done to her. They were both in the wrong - her lies, but he had been the one to take her to bed and then leave her to think there was something more. He’d been the one to leave her thinking every owl that came to the house was from him… and then he showed up in London without a word? Screw him. Any true gentleman would have told her no, would have gently rejected her even after their rendezvous, but she was learning each second that Cassian was the equivalent to a caveman in manners and personality. At least his saving grace was his face. Her nostrils flared as she breathed out bitterly.

Juniper paused then in his arms, her feet rooted to the ground as green eyes narrowed at him. Then she unhooked her hand from his shoulder and reached out to slap him across the face as hard as she could manage. “Do not think of me as another dumb debutante you get to toy with. You know exactly what you did and I will not allow you to rehash your conquest with me." She hissed at him. He’d struck a nerve with her this time, but it felt satisfying to stop him in his tracks. To make him seem like he’d wronged her in a room full of people; June didn’t dare look at her father though. He’d be curious, angry, demanding to know what had happened, and that would involve more things than she was ready to admit. She’d have to tell another lie, and soon she’d be buried in them.

RE: Kill Me Tomorrow, Just Let Me Live Tonight - Cassian Valenduris - October 19, 2022

Cassian surmised that June looked far better with a smile than a scowl, but he delighted in the way she scowled anyway. Maybe this was his problem addiction weakness... a stubborn and unruly person that could never be tamed.

Her quip about the bored little debutante didn’t sting as much as it might have, were he a man with more single-minded romantic pursuits. His hope was to find a lovely debutante who decidedly did not have room to grow bored, be it through travels, children, or other household affairs. And as for her diversions… June might be surprised to learn what Cass found tolerable, to a discreet point, and if he were allowed to entertain his own. It’s only fair.

Though the meaning of Juniper’s venom-laced words were clear. She didn’t need to say it, he felt it: she hoped he was despised by whomever he married. The statement let on to cards she should keep closer to her chest; he was making no allies over at the Edevane household anytime soon. Indeed, she spelled out in no unclear terms that he ought to watch his back. And with further crystalline clarity, that she hated him wholeheartedly for what he did. (Or more accurately, the things he did and didn’t do.) For a moment, he felt a bit bad. Were this his sister, he’d likely wish to murder the offending man in a duel. This much was relatable. But the fact that she’d dug her own way into all of this also made things different than what he could imagine ever happening to his sister. 

Unfortunately for Juniper, Cassian was quite good at what he did. So even with distracted idle thoughts while they faced one another, he saw the instant her hand reared up as though to slap him. And he caught it, effortlessly, with one big hand clasped hard against her wrist. His eyebrow raised, surprised -- less that she wanted to slap him (that much was obvious), more than she'd risk it here, where a few people in the crowd no doubt saw what may have happened. It would hurt her more than him. That was simply how society works.

“I don’t think of you as a dumb debutante for a minute,”
he offered quietly, and it was the truth, even as his hand squeezed hard around her wrist indicating a clear message -- this, however. This was dumb. His look on her remained stern. This was a fine line she was walking, and he did not expect Mister Edevane to be very charitable in his punishments even with his own daughter. Already, he could see her father taking acute interest from a distance. Clocking, most likely, his daughter’s ire that radiated at him. “Nor do I wish to toy with you. But I’ll offer you some advice, Miss Edevane." He leaned a touch closer, so that he might utter quietly near her ear, "A little glimpse into the mind of a man, for the fresh debutante.”

The song was near its end, and he punctuated his words with a twirl before bringing her back to his arms. He went on, cool blue eyes impassive as he found it necessary to make himself clear to June. This was fun, while it lasted. “If you wish to gain any proper form of courtship and proposal, then it may behoove you to act with a touch more propriety. You may be alarmed at how well it can work with those pretty green eyes of yours.” Green eyes usually harbored a bit of danger, in his mind. This must be what attracted him first.

The song finally concluded, and they took their requisite step apart from each other, with Cassian lowering in a small bow. “Enjoy your evening, my lady…”

RE: Kill Me Tomorrow, Just Let Me Live Tonight - Juniper Edevane - October 20, 2022

Cassian’s unsolicited advice made her blood boil, although she couldn't help but briefly wonder if it was why Mr. Blackwood had been avoiding her. Surely he wanted a proper wife, but it wasn’t as if she wanted that role; she just wanted to be his friend. Juniper wasn’t ready – and wouldn’t ever be ready – to conform to the societal standards put in place. It was men like him who were always in the wrong, always expecting women to be put into a box where they could do nothing except smile and look pretty. It fit him though because his personality was akin to a wet sock and she’d rather live her days locked in a cupboard than on his arm.

She ignored the idea that he didn’t think she was dumb, but the toying portion was almost laughable; he had done nothing but that since the night she’d met him, and smiling at him was her single greatest regret in life. It always probably would be, even once she trapped him inside a jar to make him feel as belittled as she had. No, June wouldn’t regret that at all. Her eyes narrowed at him as her fingers tightened against his shoulder, fingernails digging into the fabric.

“Fuck your advice, Mr. Valenduris.” She snarled quietly before she was spun out; her eyes met those of her father and she knew then, just how much trouble she was in after the dance ended; well, she might as well go out with a bang if that was going to be the case. When she came back to him glared at him.“If I wanted some from a man who’s opinion actually mattered to me, it would be anyone else in this room except for you." She raised her eyes to glare him, and hoped that his blue ones would flicker with even the tiniest bit of hurt. "I save all my propriety for people who have at least a single shred of dignity and deserve it. So take your own advice because you sir, are one of the biggest assholes I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.” The last chords of the song ended and it was a breath of relief.

Finally she was allowed to step out of his arms. Juniper at least curtseyed at him as not to draw more attention to herself, although her lips curled with disgust; despite how light his touch had been she could still feel it against her waist and hands, and wanted nothing more than scrub her skin raw to get rid of it. “Go rot in hell.” She growled at him, just quiet enough that the woman next to her didn’t seem to notice the language.

Then she waltzed away from him toward the edge of the dance floor near the balcony, Alistair advancing on her like a predator on its prey. Her eyes darted around to ensure there would be no witnesses to make Mr. Valenduris realize just how angry she truly was at him – just how much his actions were inexcusable. The wood was smooth against her fingers as she pulled it free, and cast a spell to turn Cassian’s tailcoats into snakes, the black monsters dangling and nipping at the back of his legs. By that time her father had already draped his hand around his daughter’s waist to pull her onto the balcony.

He just might kill her yet.

RE: Kill Me Tomorrow, Just Let Me Live Tonight - Cassian Valenduris - October 24, 2022

Cassian kept his eyes on her even as he bowed, relishing a little at her fuck you, rot in hell barb. A fair number of people had said this to him before. Generally criminals wrapped up in chains on their way to a lifetime of incarceration, but, a frequent sentiment nonetheless. Enough for the blonde to ingest her words with a flash of a big, gracious smile. Anyone who could see his expression might think he was having a wonderful time.

(Maybe he was. Maybe this funny exchange with Miss Edevane would be the highlight of this otherwise boring evening yet.)

June moved swiftly away from him ahead of the next song starting, and well, he couldn’t blame her. Their separation had the same effect as taking a breath of fresh, cold air after sweating in a sauna. A relief. Though maybe missing a bit of the stifling sensation. A tiny bit.

That was when he realized that the young lady truly deserved a bit more credit. Cassian felt something heavy and unusual after he’d turned his back to Juniper, and a shriek of horror from a dame to his right clued him into the idea that things were not as they should be. Fast impulse had him withdraw his wand as he turned – that’s when he felt some fucking snake snap at his ankles. From his periphery, his eyes met that of Juniper’s one last time. She might’ve been smirking as she relished the sight – she might also have a deathwish. For her father whisked her away before anyone could be the wiser, his face pinched with ire.

Scoffing with disbelief, Cass turned his attention back to the situation at hand. It caused quite the disturbance within the crowd, drowning out even the start of the next melody. The man cast a quick counterjinx, rendering the snakes back to coattails (having never felt particularly threatened, being one that didn’t mind snakes at all).

Quickly he made his way off the dance floor, and before long, he was swapping stories about what happened and laughing with a group of men who asked curiously about the fallout. “I gather she was quite upset over my interest in her twin sister over her,” he mused, flashing a playfully put-out smile as he accepted another drink and fed into a round of laughter. It is true that she got the scene she wanted, but Cass was much better at this game than she was. It would be his version of reality that stuck in the ton’s mind, unfortunately for her. Glancing around, there was no Edevane in sight, and it would stay that way for the remainder of the night.

“Mm, cheers to the most eventful season,” he agreed, smoothly accepting the toast from the gentlemen in his circle with a clink of whiskey glasses.