I could follow you to the beginning - Printable Version

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RE: I could follow you to the beginning - Reuben Crouch - July 16, 2022

Despite having just asked for space, it was a little uncomfortable for Ben to see her pulling back like this. Friends. For Nora's sake.

"Yeah," Ben agreed. He certainly didn't want them to be enemies, no matter what had happened between them in the past. He'd always wanted Nora to grow up in a complete, loving family. He just had to think through whether it was possible for him and Melody to actually be happy together, because he had more than enough evidence that pretending and hoping for the best didn't work out well for anyone. They might have play-acted happy marriage for a while after they'd eloped, but the facade had never been good enough to impact how they really felt at home. They either had to fix whatever problems were at the root of this mess or stop trying, because neither of them were good enough actors to fool Nora her entire life.

"I might get a room at the club for a few days." He hesitated, trying to gauge her reaction to this proposal. After a beat, he added as reassurance: "I'll be back."

RE: I could follow you to the beginning - Melody Crouch - July 16, 2022

Melody did her best to stifle her surprise. Somehow, this had all become way worse than she could have imagined. Not only was he fully withdrawn from her now, but he was leaving for an undetermined amount of time (for a few days could easily become a week or more) and the only assurance she had that he'd be back was their daughter. No matter what else happened, Melody knew him to be an amazing father who'd never abandon his child.

"Okay." She nodded stiffly. It wasn't as though she could argue it, force him to stay somehow. Ben had only just asked for space; anything but respect for that request would serve to only ruin them more. There was nothing else to say then, either, which left her in the awkward position of having to pass him to return to her room. "Good night, Ben."