RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
NPC - August 17, 2020
Aug 28th, 1890 - Portree Stadium
**I forgot to change some people out for their replacements, but for the interest of not editing and tagging everyone in the initial post I've edited them in this post! <3
Also since there was no pass by al-Benali, we don't roll for interceptions!
"Hassani punts a bludger at Cardew but look at that it only bounces off of him! The Moroccan Kneecapper Alaoui goes to take out Bixby but Bixby is only bruised!"
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A |
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ZA * JC MM |
C |
O--- |
KH |
RB AA* |
---O |
D |
E |
<-- LEFT |
RIGHT --> |
Moroccan Score Zone |
British Score Zone |
Moroccan Players -- British Players
0060 MOROCCO || BRITAIN 0080
* = Bludger Positions
Game Play Directions
***Please tag AMELIA EVANS with your moderation needs!***
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Zakarya Alaoui - August 17, 2020
It hit him but by no means hard enough! If he swooped in fast enough he might just overwhelm Bixby into a decent injury.
[B4 -> C4, bludger to Bixby again because Zak is relentless and obsessed
Amelia Evans]
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Abbas al-Benali - August 17, 2020
Abbas moved towards the British score zone and attempted a shot. (Thank Allah that the British beaters hadn't yet set their sight on him.)
(C4 --> C5)
Amelia Evans
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Meryem Idrissi - August 17, 2020
Resuming the game as if nothing had happened felt a little surreal and... a little unfair. It was like the British got to pretend their injuries never existed. How was that fair they got to keep their points but at none of the cost? All she knew was she hoped Alaoui was as brutally effective today ad he was the other day. And that the bulgers remained inside the area of play.
Teeth gritted she pushed forwards towards these goal and where Abbas was with the quaffle. Maybe the break would be a good reset for the chasers at least.
C3 > c4
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Cassius Lestrange - August 17, 2020
Cash was just vibing. Hopefully no one would die this time.
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Esteban Zavala - August 17, 2020
Esteban moved to block the shot.
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Mundungus MacFusty - August 17, 2020
Munny moved to try and redirect the bludger away from Bixby and instead hit it towards the Moroccon attempting to score.
B4 to C4, redirecting bludger to al-benali
Amelia Evans
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Jamal Selhim - August 17, 2020
Jamal existed on the pitch and hoped to allah that no one was brutally murdered this time.
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Jack Cardew - August 17, 2020
Jack kept pace with the quaffle, moving up towards the British score zone, hoping to take back match control for Britain. he was thankful the blow from the bludger was just a graze, after the massacre of the last match it could have been a great deal worse.
[b]b4 -B5[/url]
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Rufus Bixby - August 17, 2020
Watching Cardew surge forward Bixby kept steady ready to rush back toward the Moroccan goal posts.
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
NPC - August 19, 2020
Aug 28th, 1890 - Portree Stadium
"It appears Mr. Alaoui is losing his gentle touch, the bludger he just walloped at Bixby hit him but failed to kneecap him! Looks like he'll have a few bruises though. And al-Benali shoots! Awe, he misses, better luck next time Mr. al-Benali."
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A |
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* |
JC |
C |
O--- |
KH |
AA ---O |
D |
E |
<-- LEFT |
RIGHT --> |
Moroccan Score Zone |
British Score Zone |
Moroccan Players -- British Players
0060 MOROCCO || BRITAIN 0090
* = Bludger Positions
Game Play Directions
***Please tag AMELIA EVANS with your moderation needs!***
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Zakarya Alaoui - August 19, 2020
Irked at the commentator again, Zak changed tact and hit the blugder towards the British keeper instead. That'd make it a bit easier on their chasers.
[Bludger to Esteban
Amelia Evans]
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Karim Hassani - August 19, 2020
He flew towards the bludger.
C2 -> B3
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Jack Cardew - August 20, 2020
Jack took the oppertunity of the failed goal to grab the quaffle and head back towards their own scoring zone!
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Rufus Bixby - August 20, 2020
What was with the bloody beater? It was as if he had a vendetta against Rufus. Rufus dodged another bludger grimacing as it hit him. It would definitely bruise, better than another kneecap or any bone breaking for that matter.
Seeing Cardew with the quaffle Rufus started back down the field.
C4 to C3
RE: QWC Match Two: Britain vs. Morocco -
Jack Cardew - August 20, 2020
Jack headed for the other end of the field.
B4 - B3