[SPOILER HEAVY]: Crimes of Grindelwald Discussion - Printable Version

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[SPOILER HEAVY]: Crimes of Grindelwald Discussion - Edric Umbridge - November 17, 2018

I saw the movie during the Fantastic Fandom Event on November 13th and have been waiting three days to discuss it in a group setting (which is much harder than I thought it would be :P). I'm just going to jump right into my thoughts.

RE: [SPOILER HEAVY]: Crimes of Grindelwald Discussion - Naeva Marshall - November 17, 2018

Grindelwald's speech gave me huge Church of Magical Jesus vibes. Just saying.

RE: [SPOILER HEAVY]: Crimes of Grindelwald Discussion - Acacia Darlington - November 17, 2018

Gonna respond to your stuff in order with my own comments, Bree:

— I ship it.

— Leta Lestrange was fabulous. I really hope that the next movie will explore Newt's Hogwarts years and the actual expulsion.

— I was not surprised one bit that Queenie didn't go. I was 50/50 on Jacob going with her or not though. Love is a powerful thing, but it was pretty in character for him not to go with her.

— Not gonna lie, I probably would have bought into the message as well. Especially with the magical presentation of war that he did.

— Part of me wondered what other Lestranges would have thought of Corvus's actions. Especially the ones we see on Charming.

— Honestly, the moment Grindelwald made his 'reveal' I instantly thought "naw, he's so lying". With that, Elaine and I also did some canon math, and it really doesn't fit the timeline of 'Aurelius' being a Dumbledore.

— Agree 100% that the soundtrack was amazing, and the fact that they found a perfect young Dumbledore.

— I love both Nifflers and their babies now, so cute. Want one.

— Hopefully we'll get more info on the blood pacts with the next movie. I'm kinda wondering if we could bring that into Charming, if it fits to what is already established.

— I can't lie, I was pretty shocked during the reveal of the little switch of prisoners with the chase scene. I wonder how Grindelwald was able to make such an escape and have someone else in his cell.

— I'm all for solid arcs, so totally agree with your statement.

— All we know is that she's mysterious and seems quite loyal to Grindelwald. I also hope that we learn more about her as an individual.

— I also love how it was more dark. With both that and magical creatures, it made me so happy. But little baby Lestrange dying did shake me. And that poor woman who thinks that her child is dead made it even more heart breaking, along with Leta's own guilt over the situation. I was also shaken by the whole thing with Corvus and Leta's mother.

— I'm so glad that it was an interesting filler. Because fillers can be interesting. More info would indeed have been better though. Flamel should have had more screen time, and I really wish that his wife could have at least been mentioned.

— Newt looked so done, yet still confused by the statement. I loved it. I really hope we see more of her, she's so adorable.

— I was surprised by the amount of wordless magic going on, honestly. From certain theories, America having plenty of non-verbal magic makes sense. But Paris? Perhaps I'm reading too much into it. But my posts seriously need more magic as well.

Also, Elaine... yeah... that makes sense.

RE: [SPOILER HEAVY]: Crimes of Grindelwald Discussion - Edric Umbridge - November 17, 2018

Quote:— Honestly, the moment Grindelwald made his 'reveal' I instantly thought "naw, he's so lying". With that, Elaine and I also did some canon math, and it really doesn't fit the timeline of 'Aurelius' being a Dumbledore.

I was talking to someone in the bathroom after the showing and they said they wouldn't put it past J.K. Rowling to do that after including McGonagall in the flashbacks (who should have been born in 1935), but I think that was more fanservice than a major plot point. There's also speculation that Ariana Dumbledore was an obscurial and her obscurus invaded Credence, which would make him a "soul brother" more than a "blood brother". I'm not sure, though.

Quote:— I can't lie, I was pretty shocked during the reveal of the little switch of prisoners with the chase scene. I wonder how Grindelwald was able to make such an escape and have someone else in his cell.

Considering the way Newt and Dumbledore talked about being able to destroy it in the final scenes, I'm sure the blood pact will be a focal point in the next installment of the series.

Quote:— I was surprised by the amount of wordless magic going on, honestly. From certain theories, America having plenty of non-verbal magic makes sense. But Paris? Perhaps I'm reading too much into it. But my posts seriously need more magic as well.

The original HP series treated magic as something new and special, which it was when you consider that the main characters were children. The main characters in Fantastic Beasts are adult characters in their late 20s/30s who have lived with magic for a long time—and that's before you even consider that you have a handful of aurors and magical professionals. I'm sure nonverbal magic is something that adult wizards and witches learn as spells become more familiar to them. I think of it as tying a shoe: it takes children a while to learn how to tie the knot perfectly, but it's not really something we think about as adults unless we're flustered or in a rush.

RE: [SPOILER HEAVY]: Crimes of Grindelwald Discussion - Naeva Marshall - November 17, 2018

Hypothesis - is the McGonagall presented in the film actually Minerva? Or could it be her mother? We know Minerva displays a preference for wizarding robes, even in the later films where almost everyone is in casual Muggle attire, and this McGonagall is seen wearing a conservative brown dress that looks like it belongs in the 19o0s or earlier - still fitting for a wizard of the era, however, seeing as they tend to have odd concepts of fashion sense.

But that's just a theory.

RE: [SPOILER HEAVY]: Crimes of Grindelwald Discussion - Acacia Darlington - November 17, 2018

Quote:I was talking to someone in the bathroom after the showing and they said they wouldn't put it past J.K. Rowling to do that after including McGonagall in the flashbacks (who should have been born in 1935), but I think that was more fanservice than a major plot point. There's also speculation that Ariana Dumbledore was an obscurial and her obscurus invaded Credence, which would make him a "soul brother" more than a "blood brother". I'm not sure, though.

I also agree with that as well. With a nod to Elaine's theory, it could also be an aunt or distant cousin of the McGonagall that we know (since wikia claims that McGonagall!Mother was a Quidditch Captain).

I have read that theory regarding obscurials, and it is possible. The whole name of 'Dumbledore' for Credence would be a lie still, but the full thing would be a half-lie on Grindelwald's part. I personally think he's too intelligent to make a wild guess and think it was actually true.

Quote:Considering the way Newt and Dumbledore talked about being able to destroy it in the final scenes, I'm sure the blood pact will be a focal point in the next installment of the series.

I completely agree. Finding out more things about the magical world of Harry Potter is wonderful, as long as it is realistic to older canon.

Quote:The original HP series treated magic as something new and special, which it was when you consider that the main characters were children. The main characters in Fantastic Beasts are adult characters in their late 20s/30s who have lived with magic for a long time—and that's before you even consider that you have a handful of aurors and magical professionals. I'm sure nonverbal magic is something that adult wizards and witches learn as spells become more familiar to them. I think of it as tying a shoe: it takes children a while to learn how to tie the knot perfectly, but it's not really something we think about as adults unless we're flustered or in a rush.

You have a fair point. I'd been under the assumption that type of magic was more like the level of microbiology or something. Yeah, was probably reading too much into it.

RE: [SPOILER HEAVY]: Crimes of Grindelwald Discussion - Naeva Marshall - November 17, 2018

Also, are we gonna talk about Irma?!?!?! HALF-ELF PEOPLE, HALF-ELF! There's only one canon species referred to as elves!!!

RE: [SPOILER HEAVY]: Crimes of Grindelwald Discussion - Edric Umbridge - November 17, 2018

(November 17, 2018 – 4:22 AM)Naeva Lécuyer Wrote:  Also, are we gonna talk about Irma?!?!?! HALF-ELF PEOPLE, HALF-ELF! There's only one canon species referred to as elves!!!

When you put it in the context of the Lestrange family, whose patriarch kidnapped and forced women to have his children, it's FAR creepier. I can only assume that someone forced their female house-elf to do that and just... ugh.

RE: [SPOILER HEAVY]: Crimes of Grindelwald Discussion - Acacia Darlington - November 17, 2018

I'm just wondering why the third mother of his children had pointed ears.

And, are we making half-house elves site-canon?

RE: [SPOILER HEAVY]: Crimes of Grindelwald Discussion - Naeva Marshall - November 17, 2018

(November 17, 2018 – 4:32 AM)Edric Umbridge Wrote:  
(November 17, 2018 – 4:22 AM)Naeva Lécuyer Wrote:  Also, are we gonna talk about Irma?!?!?! HALF-ELF PEOPLE, HALF-ELF! There's only one canon species referred to as elves!!!

When you put it in the context of the Lestrange family, whose patriarch kidnapped and forced women to have his children, it's FAR creepier. I can only assume that someone forced their female house-elf to do that and just... ugh.

I'll agree that it sounds creepy and gross, but hey - now we know it's biologically possible. >_>

RE: [SPOILER HEAVY]: Crimes of Grindelwald Discussion - Charles Caulfield - November 17, 2018

my main gripe is there was not nearly enough gay between dumbledore and grindelwald in this film

RE: [SPOILER HEAVY]: Crimes of Grindelwald Discussion - Acacia Darlington - November 17, 2018

(November 17, 2018 – 3:51 PM)Charles Caulfield Wrote:  my main gripe is there was not nearly enough gay between dumbledore and grindelwald in this film

To be fair, at least one of them wants to have the other killed. But Dumbledore did have some lovely angst. More in the next films would be better. (We all deserve more flash backs, cause I really want to see younger Dumbledore and Grindelwald angst in person. All the feels.)

RE: [SPOILER HEAVY]: Crimes of Grindelwald Discussion - Charles Caulfield - November 17, 2018

i just want all the gay and thats it

also 100% it's defo a grindelwald ploy re credence being a dumbledore

RE: [SPOILER HEAVY]: Crimes of Grindelwald Discussion - Aldous Crouch - November 18, 2018


— If "Aurelius" isn't a ruse (my immediate reaction was "ew wtf" but I could see myself warming to it depending on how it's framed next film) then I think it would be a fun twist if he was the Dubledore to kill Grindelwald and Albus just takes the credit.

— Petition to do a new HP movie series in 30 years with Jude Law as Dumbledore.

— I was really annoyed by how much authority British aurors had in France.

— SO MANY PARALLELS between Grindelwald and Trump and Hitler. I loved it. I think that having Queenie swing that way was a fab way to illustrate how easily "normal" people can be swayed by a compelling message.

— I was really skeptical (aka I hated it) about Depp as Grindelwald but, costuming choices aside, I really enjoyed what he did with it.

— Is it dumb that they made Nagini a snake woman? Yes. Did I like the character in the film regardless? Also yes.

— Leta was fabulous but I understand neither the IC or OOC reason for her death, so there's that.

— was garbage and I would have rather had a good old fashioned duel. There was a lot of ~social stuff going on without an OTT magical spectacle with no real stakes, IMO.

— The weird lady at the French Ministry with the cat things gave me Mecha Trolley Lady vibes and I loathed it. I didn't think this portion was useful at all, frankly. It accomplished nothing that couldn't be done by simply saying "the truth is at the tomb" or some shit.


— The casting on the young versions was A+.


RE: [SPOILER HEAVY]: Crimes of Grindelwald Discussion - Aldous Crouch - November 18, 2018

(November 17, 2018 – 2:10 AM)Naeva Lécuyer Wrote:  Grindelwald's speech gave me huge Church of Magical Jesus vibes. Just saying.


I was sitting there thinking "Well, that's one CMJ devotee that goes off the rails." xD

RE: [SPOILER HEAVY]: Crimes of Grindelwald Discussion - Naeva Marshall - November 18, 2018

(November 18, 2018 – 1:07 AM)Aldous Crouch Wrote:  — If "Aurelius" isn't a ruse (my immediate reaction was "ew wtf" but I could see myself warming to it depending on how it's framed next film) then I think it would be a fun twist if he was the Dubledore to kill Grindelwald and Albus just takes the credit.

— Petition to do a new HP movie series in 30 years with Jude Law as Dumbledore.

High key agreement here, on both points. He really reminded me hardcore of the original Dumbledore actor and I was kind of having feels, because that was something that had me in tears....

(November 18, 2018 – 1:07 AM)Aldous Crouch Wrote:  — Leta was fabulous but I understand neither the IC or OOC reason for her death, so there's that.


Point A: To bring the Scamander brothers back together and give Newt even more reason to side with Theseus. Point B: I WANNA KNOW TOO OMFG!!

(November 18, 2018 – 1:07 AM)Aldous Crouch Wrote:  — was garbage and I would have rather had a good old fashioned duel. There was a lot of ~social stuff going on without an OTT magical spectacle with no real stakes, IMO.

I was thinking Fiendfyre, tbh. Think about it. Magical beasties made out of fire.

(November 18, 2018 – 1:09 AM)Aldous Crouch Wrote:  
(November 17, 2018 – 2:10 AM)Naeva Lécuyer Wrote:  Grindelwald's speech gave me huge Church of Magical Jesus vibes. Just saying.


I was sitting there thinking "Well, that's one CMJ devotee that goes off the rails." xD

Literally was muttering it to myself during the speech, like, "Holy crap."