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Lachlan MacFusty
344 Posts
Played by Bree
32 year old Halfblood
6 ft. 2 in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Lachlan Irvine MacFusty

Nickname(s): "Lach"

Birthdate: August 13, 1860

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Occupation: Dragonkeeper

Blood Status: Halfblood

Residence: The Hebrides, Scotland

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Alumnus ('78)

Wand: Red oak, 13 inches, Hebridean Black dragon scale, Hard

Conall MacFusty, Father [1833]
Madailéin MacFusty (née -----), Mother [1842]
Quillian "Quill" MacFusty, Brother [1856]
Matilda "Tilda" MacFusty, Sister [1868]
Aibhlinn MacFusty, Sister [1885]
Like most of the men in his family, Lachlan is defined by his unusual height. At six feet, two inches tall, Lachlan towers above nearly all women and most men—and his athletic nature does nothing to ease his intimidating stature. He has wavy, medium blond hair that would ideally prefer short, but that grows so fast that it's usually unkempt, longer, and pulled back for convenience's sake. He has green eyes, a crooked nose, and lips that are a little too full for his face. His complexion, naturally fair, has been somewhat tanned by seasons spent on the quidditch pitch.

Lach never thinks about fashion and dresses only for convenience. Only during society events does he make an attempt to groom his hair and shave appropriately, or when he's been struck by some random impulse. Despite his physical job, he's always fresh and clean while off the job; he's always been something of a neat freak. He wields his wand with his left hand.

1860 | Lachlan is born the second child of Conall and Madailéin MacFusty. His nursery is adorned with dragons, and his wavy blond hair is unmanageable from the start; there is no question of which family he belongs to.

1864 | His childhood is spent toddling hand in hand with his mother through the narrow paths on the island carved by the MacFusty clan. He loves their islands, and he loves watching the waves crash against the ragged cliff-side. More than anything, he loves the harrowing tales of dragon-hunters—and later, dragon-keepers—told by his mother at bedtime.

1868 | After having accepted his place as the youngest child in the household for eight long years, his mother gives birth to a baby girl named Matilda. He does not take easily to being the middle child; the summer is spent doting on the newborn and getting Quill ready for his upcoming year at Hogwarts, leaving him feeling left out of all the fun. He retreats into himself, and develops a bit of an anger management issue.

1871 | Autumn approaches and Lachlan is finally able to prepare for school. His father gifts him with a dragon heartstring, which is commissioned into a wand. He sets off for Hogwarts in September, where he is sorted into Gryffindor—a given for most members of their family. His first week at school is tainted by detention—thrice—for speaking out of turn, which he only meant to give the answer to a question. He abandons his enthusiasm towards learning with the belief that education's purpose is to beat then into place rather than teach them about the magical world. He tries out for the quidditch team, and, like most first years, miserably fails.

1872 | He finally makes the Gryffindor quidditch team as a beater, which he owes to his sudden growth spurt the previous summer The year is uneventful: he gets detention, Gryffindor loses a quidditch match, and then he gets detention for cursing at one of the opposing players in front of a handful of girls... and a professor.

1873 | With the need to add another course to his schedule but with no desire to pursue anything requiring an outlandish amount of book work, he adds Care of Magical Creatures to his list. He's dismayed to find out that it does require essays, but finds them more palatable than, say, the ones his dorm-mate has to write for Ancient Studies.

1874 | Lachlan experiences his first crush, and even scores his first kiss! He's not sure what his expectations were, but there was no avoiding the crushing disappointment of the subsequent cold shoulder she gives him after a brief rumor circulates about their... closeness.

1875 | For the first time since Lach had joined the team, Gryffindor secures the quidditch cup. It's the first moment of true pride he experiences while at school, and nothing—not detention, not unfair professors, and not even threats of being benched—can take that victory away from him. He begins his fifth year in the fall, and with the need to get a minimum of three passing scores on his OWLs, he slacks during the quidditch season. Only a bit.

1876 | He takes his OWL examination; they're definitely a bitch. Lachlan is introduced to the trade of dragon-keeping during the summer, but he isn't yet allowed to get up close to the dragons. His father expects him to join the family trade of managing the Hebridean Black population on the islands, and Lach is on board—initially. He returns to Hogwarts in the fall with four classes on his schedule: Charms, Astronomy, Defence Against the Dark Arts, and Care of Magical Creatures. (Although he initially intends to only take three, he receives an unexpected "E" on his Astronomy OWL, likely because of the stargazing he does back at home, so he feels obligated to take it to prove he's a capable human being.)

1878 | After rounding out his final year at Hogwarts with a quidditch cup victory for Gryffindor, Lachlan sits for his NEWT examinations. (It's surprising how a childhood belief that magic was nothing more than an incantation and wand movement can be shattered by a Charms final.) Out of Hogwarts he is immediately recruited by the Chudley Cannons as a second-string beater thanks to his success in his final year (and surely his tall stature). His father is initially displeased by the situation, but it's not as if he can say much; Lachlan isn't the first MacFusty to thrive on the quidditch pitch!

1879 | Tilda goes off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor. He misses her, but he won't admit it to anyone, let alone her. During the brief off-season he travels to America for a week of tomfoolery, and as delighted as he is by the difference in scenery, he is less impressed by the magical world's desire to remain completely separated from the muggles.

1881 | Lachlan is promoted to first-string beater on the Cannons. He finds himself more at ease on the air than on the bench, and makes a name for himself in the industry by attending as many quidditch-related parties as he can. (As difficult as forming genuine connections might be, how could he say no to dancing, good booze, and talk of quidditch!?)

1883 | The quidditch world cup comes to Britain. He seizes the opportunity to try out... only to be passed over for a more experienced player. Deflated by not defeated, he continues into the next professional season hoping to prove himself worthy for the next cup. In the fall, Tilda is appointed prefect. He remembers rolling his eyes when their parents congratulated Quillian for his success in school, but in his newfound maturity (comparatively, at least), he's proud of her.

1885 | Lach is injured after rushing to assist his cousins with an out-of-control dragon. He's forced to sit out during the first three matches of the professional season and is left with a nasty scar from his right shoulder down to the middle of his back. During the year, his mother gives birth to an unexpected baby girl, and Lachlan does his best to bond with her despite their age difference.

1887 | Lachlan is one of the many who suffers injuries during the disaster at the Wizarding World Market—not at the claws of a flying tiger, but under the collapsed pavilion. He recovers after a mere few days, but finds himself taken with a Hogsmeade healer who went to assist St. Mungo's with the aftermath. He's tempted to ask Tilda to make a formal introduction, but decides that it would be too awkward. He doesn't see her again, and hates himself for not allowing himself to pursue the acquaintanceship further.

1890 | Lach makes the British National Team during the Quidditch World Cup, which is great in theory, but then life hits the fan from multiple angles. At the final match between Britain and Morocco, he hits a beater into the stands (on accident) and kills a woman, but not before the bludger dislocates his sister's shoulder, and suddenly it's an international scandal and Lach has attention he doesn't want. But before he gets to deal with the scandal's fallout, he's stuck in the arctic for two weeks with Fallon Abernathy, where they both nearly die but he also decides he's sort-of falling for her. They get out of the hospital, he's depressed and nearly dies of lung infections, and life goes terribly. It only gets worse later in the year when she reveals she's been seeing some other guy and despite his attempts to get her to see that she should give their relationship a chance, she chooses the other guy—but not before sleeping with him and thoroughly messing with his emotions. It's great. It's fine. Life's just... peachy.

Presently | His attempts to be a good Samaritan for a dying woman at a garden party turns out to be his boggart manifesting in that woman, and then to put the cherry on top the host of the party catches him hovering over her and makes public accusations of him trying to fornicate with the woman, Juliana Binns. Cue Miss Binn's crazy plans.
Brash. Make snap judgments and assumptions about people. Guards his heart with a façade of indifference, even though he cares very deeply. Not always outwardly friendly. More street smart than book smart. Optimistic realist: always hoping for the best but expecting the worst, but then feels bad when things go poorly anyways. Says what he means and means what he says, unless he's purposefully trying to mislead someone. Switches from friendly to cold the moment he feels slighted. Surprisingly a healthy ego. Considerate of other people. Warm with—but not always easy on—the people he loves. A bit of a neat freak.
  • Languages: Scottish Gaelic and English. He was always terrible at learning other languages even when attempts were made.
  • Magical skills: Generally poor with practical magic, but a working knowledge of simple offensive and defense spells mixed with a good reaction time makes him a decent combative duelists. There are some spells he's really good at, but only because he likes them and took the time to practice. But that's the root of his problems—he never learned much at school because he didn't enjoy school.
  • Transportation: Lach is good at apparating and can usually go over the channel between the Hebrides and mainland Scotland (and at times, even further) without splinching himself. He uses the floo regularly, though, and generally likes any form of transportation that's quick and doesn't require much forethought.
  • A natural on the quidditch pitch, Lachlan has always preferred the position of beater.
  • Where he fails in magical ability, he makes up for in practical ability. He's good with his hands, whether it's mending broken things or doing hard labor.
  • His boggart take the form a faceless woman—usually one who looks vaguely familiar but not so familiar that he can put a name to her—lying dead on the ground with a hole in some part of her body.
  • His patronus takes the form of jackal.
Care of Magical CreaturesAA
Defence Against the Dark ArtsEE
History of MagicD

way too attractive set by mj <3
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