First Year (1876 - 1877) :- Anthea is sorted into Slytherin, to the surprise of family who had suspected either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. She is not that surprised as she knows that Slytherin is the house of ambition and she has decided it that it is her dream is to be her own woman. She knows to achieve this she will have to be clever, cunning and most of all, capable. She makes both male and female friends, seeing them as equal in her eyes as long as she see their use. The wizarding world is exposed and while the majority of society move to Hogsmeade the Selwyns stay put.
Second Year (1877 - 1878): Anthea's breasts begin to bud to her own horror and she sees some other early bloomers start to learn how to use their developing bodies to their best advantage. Anthea is not a fan and believes that it shouldn't be her body that is appreciated but her mind and starts to wonder if she should in fact be in Ravenclaw until she makes a Ravenclaw friend and realises that he has no grounding or sense of strategy. She learns that there is a difference between knowledge and wisdom.
Third Year (1878 - 1879) She selects Ancient Studies, Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. She finds Divination to be too imprecise and while is interested in the theory behind Care of Magical Creatures she isn't too impressed with the practical component as she feels she could do something better with her time.
Forth Year (1879 - 1880): Her mother Rhea dies, though nobody is quite sure how which confuses and angers Anthea greatly since she can't understand why people don't know. She is sad and angry and takes it out on her school work by furiously diving into it. Her fellow dorm mates have begun to show a marked interest in boys and social climbing however Anthea couldn't care less and finds herself having more incommon with the male half of her cohort. She'd honestly prefer to work beside them for they don't seem to be nearly as silly and finds herself agreeing with them when she hears of their assessment of the other girls in her year. She is confessed to for the first time by one of them who mistook her intention of friends as an attempt to get closer. She rejects him and learns her lesson about getting too close to boys because even if she doesn't see them as potential romantic partners the same isn't true of them.
Fifth Year (1880-1881): - She is made a Prefect of her house, and knuckles down. She is determined to prove to everyone that she deserves more in life than to be made a trophy wife. She begins to develop a real interest in charms and spell-work and the theory of how magic works.
Sixth Year (1881 -1882): Her interest in the academia of magic has truly hit its stride and she decides to research ways in which to make its study a profession and for the first time the picture of her future begins to form and how she can achieve it by herself. Ephraim dies from a heart attack in 1882. His will divides his companies up among his sons with some stipulations. Trystan is to inherit the family lands and income from the lands, but only if he retains his job in the Ministry. Emyrs is to take over the family’s large shipping enterprise. Daniel is to have the newspaper and publishing companies as well as the London house. She finds this incredibly unfair as it leaves both her and her elder sister in the hands of their brothers.
Seventh Year (1882-1883) :- She has a brief flirtation with another girl in her year, the first time she's ever felt any sort of romantic affection for anybody but she lets it fizzle as her own dreams come first and she can't find any room in it for anything else.
1883 - Her brother Daniel meets Freya and he begins courting her. Anthea graduates and finds employment in the Ministry; working for the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophies, intending to become self-made and support herself. Her spare time is dedicated to self-study, furthering her knowledge of charm theory, and chess and she begins to associate with the more academic circles in of Magical Britain and take advantage of their sponsorship and writing her own papers.
1890 - Her hardwork pays off and she manages to secure a position on the Experimental Charms committee. She is quite content with her life though is very aware how precarious her life can be and the idea of woman's suffrage is beginning to appeal to her because her bosom doesn't impact her brain and shouldn't affect her life.