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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Greta Gillenwater
123 Posts
Played by Jen

I'm not Bossy. I just know what you should be doing.
Fifth Year & Seeker
15 year old Muggleborn
Fifth Year & Seeker
5 ft. in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Greta Ellen Gillenwater


Birthdate: September 19, 1878

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Occupation: Student

Blood Status: Muggleborn - Additional Information to muddy the waters: In 1889 at age 9 her mother married into a wizarding family which may cause some confusion regarding her background as she and her elder brother are both Muggleborns and her stepfamily and her halfbrother are halfbloods.

Residence: She and her family moved to Swallowbury, Irvingly in 1891 and prior to that lived in Godrics Hollow.

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Wand: Greta's wand, A 9inch Hazelwood wand with a Phoenix feather core, is highly sensitive to its owner's emotions, performing best when its master is balanced. It can absorb and unpredictably release negative energy if the owner is upset. Despite this, it excels in skilled hands and can detect underground water, emitting silvery, tear-shaped puffs of smoke. The Phoenix feather core provides a wide range of magic but may take longer to master, showing initiative and acting independently, making it challenging to tame and personalize.

Father : Martin Gillenwater ~ 1841 - 1880
Mother: Annie Bell (formerly Gillenwater, née Browning) ~ 1855
Stepfather: Ambrose Bell ~ 1847
Brother: Cameron Gillenwater ~ May 23, 1875
Stepsister: Madeline Bell ~ February 7th, 1876
Step Brother: Oakshaft Bell [ADOPTABLE] ~ 1880
Halfbrother: Gilbert Ambrose Bell ~ August 1, 1892
Standing at 5 feet 4.5 inches, Greta has a lean, athletic build developed through her role as a Gryffindor Seeker in the last year. Typically right-handed, her left hand shows recently developed callouses from gripping her broom as her right is usually used to catch the flying snitch. Her fair complexion could also be described as having gained a "healthy glow" and her general demeanour is quite stubborn and competitive. She has an oval-shaped face with delicate, youthful features, including a small, slightly upturned nose and full lips. Her large, expressive brown eyes are highlighted by long eyelashes and naturally arched eyebrows. She has taken to recently styling her long, straight light brown hair in a loose bun adorned with her favourite ribbons mostly as it tends to resist curling or any other fancy style having decided that she is now too grown up to wear it in braids or out. In a similar vein her hems have been now lengthened and reach her ankles, and when she is not in her school robes she wears floral, striped, brown or blue patterned woolen or cotton dresses and skirts fitting for girls of her station and as well as convertible pant/skirts.
face claim:
Julia Butters

The Beginning
1878 : Greta is born, a second child. Her toddler brother does not take it well.
1880 : She is two when her father perishes after becoming infected at his own practice, leaving the family with financial difficulties. Her family temporarily move into the home of their mother's eldest sister, leaving her mother with time and resources to secure a position of her own. She eventually becomes the governess of a nearby wealthy family, and Greta and her brother spend their time under the watchful eye of their aunt.
1881: An argument ensues between her mother and aunt after she accidentally calls their aunt "Mummy" while her actual mother is in the room. Upset and overwhelmed by the yelling, Cameron shatters a set of china in dining room, marking his first sign of magic. Greta, only three does not understand the importance or how this action made him different from normal people.
1886 : Cameron receives his Hogwarts acceptance letter, shocking the entire family. Greta is eight and all she really understands is that this means that her brother is different and is going to be going away to school. She doesn't really get it but his acceptance to Hogwarts would open her to the idea that magic who all her peers are starting to believe doesn't exist as they grow up is very real. When she asks if she will be going away to school when she is old enough she is told that it's a Cam thing and that he's unique and different and they don't think so.
1887: Cam returns from school with fantastic stories and Greta gets jealous. She to make herself as unique as possible and becomes a little difficult to be around as she grows quite forthright and bossy. The boys and girls in her class do not appreciate it and she gets a reputation for being very talkative and a tattler. A physical confrontation between the boys about her tattling to the teacher ends in literal magical sparks that scares the boys off but Greta cant recreate the magic and ends up thinking she was seeing things.
1889: Greta's mother remarries into a wizarding family and Greta finds herself the only non-magical child of the household and she does not like it. She often finds herself left out amongst her Quidditch mad siblings especially when their brooms do not respond her (when she secretly tries mimic them). She makes it her mission however to learn all she can about magic because even if she cannot do it she still wants to impress people with her knowledge following the can't do teach philosophy.
1890: Having grown more stubborn and bullheaded she refuses to listen to her mother's gentle reminder that it doesn't matter if she's not magical and that there is another path for her. It turns to be all for naught as she recieves her letter to Hogwarts and is able to attend with her family. She later goes to the World Quidditch Cup - and witnesses the death of spectator in an event that would come to have bludgers, and beaters, banned from Hogwarts games. It mostly turns her off the idea of Quidditch and the competitive sport though she does enjoy flying and supporting her family. She is sorted into Gryffindor but her strict nature (even stricter upon herself) leads to friction since she finds herself unable to bend and bow to others and her perfectionism leaves her disatisfied with her own work as she strives for that ever elusive perfect and she makes silly mistakes in an attempt to overcompensate.
1891:The Gillenwater-Bell family relocate from Godric's Hollow to Irvingly and purchase a nice house in Swallowsbury. They have a party with friends and family to celebrate.
1892 February 6 - Greta learns, along with her Cameron and Madeline that her family is officially blended and that their mother is expecting. And on August 10 the new baby joins the family.
1892 February 6 - Greta learns, along with her Cameron and Madeline that her family is officially blended and that their mother is expecting.
23rd July, 1892 - Greta participates in her first duel against Iphigenia Adebayo and is hit with a Yoruba spell designed to deprive her of all senses at once. It takes some time to wear off and is somewhat traumatic for her and as a result Greta develops a mild phobia of the dark and losing her senses - especially those of sight and hearing. The experience also inspires within Greta an interest in learning other rare spells aside from the ones taught on a regular basis. As a result she would later choose Ancient Studies and Ancient Runes along with Care of Magical Creatures (which she considered important for understanding the magical world around her) for her electives.
August 10, 1892 the new baby joins the family. His name is Gilbert Bell.
1893: Her The year itself is pretty boring, beyond her increasing desire to learn and explore and push her boundaries. She fancies herself an explorer of Hogwarts mysteries and makes friends both inside and out of her house. Cam graduates and it's looking good until during the Summer her stepsisters best friend and Cam's friend Sloane is killed in a freak accident and everything falls apart. Maddy is inconsolable and Greta herself struggles to comprehend what exactly has happened. She finds herself trying out for the Quidditch team so that she can take on Sloane's role as Seeker while Maddy takes over the captaincy - her dream is to help Maddy win the Quidditch cup and make everything all right. In the end Ravenclaw scored 26 goals (260 points) while Gryffindor scored a more modest 17 (170 points) - however Greta Gillenwater caught the snitch! which meant that Gryffindor has won the quidditch cup, 320 to 260! Ravenclaw has won the House Cup with a total of 475 points! That isn't to say it was not a close race, of course: Slytherin was in second with 465, and Gryffindor in third with 440! 1894: Greta is made Prefect during the summer of 1894

strengths: loyal, courageous, stubborn, competitive, hardworking, ambitious, knows her own mind, rarely gives up, intelligent, steadfast, she will attempt to help others to the best of her ability, studious, and can be bossy/leadership potential, adventurous, likes to explore and try new things, self driven, independent.
weaknesses: Stubborn, bossy, she's very forthright and loud with her own opinion. A rather brash girl she doesn't understand gentle approaches, sarcasm or subtext and will dive into problems and meet them head on. She likes to win, and be the best but will never cheat (or if she hears of cheating will immediately DOB them in), preferring to put in the hardyards. She is intelligent however booksmarts and appetite for knowledge very rarely mean wisdom. She is a perfectionist and likes to overachieve however is often hampered by the fact she tries too hard and will overcompensate in her attempt to overachieve and instead accidentally go to far or take things far too seriously. She can be somewhat set in her ways and can struggle to change her mind, taking things too seriously,
likes: to be right, to win, to read, study, to explore and investigate, history, ancient studies and languages, for her hardwork to be recognised, to have worth, to belong and be apart of things.
dislikes: to be left out, to lose, to not achieve, to not live up to her potential, to be a failure, to be scolded.
fears: failure, to be stuck somewhere and unable to help herself, to be dependent on others.
goals: to do well in classes, to have her own career in something magical and own her own income because to be dependent on others can lead to failure and destitution if they die.
habits: attempting to mother people and help them out by doing what she thinks is correct, eavesdropping, spying, investigating, following rumours, pushing her way into things, organising people and things,
hobbies: reading, trying to master as many spells and potions as possible, following random leads from books down investigative holes, branching into exploring and nosing around.
— trivia —

amortentia: TBD
boggart: An ever reaching darkness that dulls and completely obscures the senses. Sometimes it starts with Eugenia's face twisted and laughing maliciously before the darkness reaches for her. It is a remnant of the first duel she participated. She knows its stupid and absolutely hates it because she knows logically it was just a spell. She is a few of the same clubs as Genia and does not think she fears her.
hobbies: Reading, Trying to be the best at magic related arts and impress the teachers, bossing people around, flying. She isn't as Quidditch mad as the rest of her siblings but will join in if asked but enjoys flying for the sake of it. Since her latest duel she has become obsessed with learning about spells and magics from other cultures and chose her subjects based off that.
clubs: Years 1 & 2 Flying, Charms, Potions and Transfiguration;
Years 3 Creatures, Charms, Potions and Transfiguration. Greta has dropped Flying because she is choosing to focus entirely on her studies.
Years 4 & 5 c- Creatures, Charms, Potions, Transfiguration and Quidditch
electives: COMC, Ancient Studies and Ancient Runes.
patronus: TBD
pets: no pets
religion: Nonpracticing
romantic orientation: TBD
sexual orientation: TBD
languages: English
zodiac sign: Virgo
numbers and planets: Those born on the 19th of the month are ruled by the number 1 (1+9=10=1+0=1) and by the Sun. Those ruled by the number 1 like to be first, tend to be ambtious and dislike restraint. Because of the fact that september 19 people are born on the first day of virgo-libra cusp which is influenced by both mercury and venus (virgo and libra), there is inevitably a strong thrust in their lives to shine brightly in the world, and to harness their mental energies to produce beautiful things.

tarot: The 19th card of the major Arcana is the sun. It can be considered the most favourable of the Major Arcana cards and symbolises knowledge, vitality and good fortune. It does, however suggest negative traits of pride, vanity and false appearance.


Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic

— skills —

01. info here 02. info here

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Thanks go to the marvelous MJ for her sensational set.

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Greta Gillenwater's Most Liked Post: RE: Character Ideas I Shouldn't Make | Post Subject: Character Ideas I Shouldn't Make | Numbers of Likes: 3