1875 Ned is born to Christopher and Emilia Moony.
1878 His sister Anne is born.
1881 At the age of six, Ned displays his first act of magic by causing a gust of air to knock his little sister out of the way of a carriage.
1886 In the same year that the Moony family moves to Pennyworth, Hogsmeade, Ned starts his first year at Hogwarts. He is sorted into Gryffindor. His first year is a pleasant blur of excitement. During the first term, he sends an owl home to his father nearly every three days, detailing all of his adventures. His letters to his mother are a bit more practical and factual, but still full of glee. He joins club quidditch.
1887-1888 Second year arrives, and he finds himself joining dueling club. The first half of the year goes well, and he finds himself making more friends and growing closer to his housemates. In the summer of 1888, his father goes missing. His contact with his classmates is scarce, and he directs his energy on making his little sister feel better.
1888-1889 Ned reluctantly returns to school. He adds Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes. He noticeably draws in on himself and hyper focuses on his studies in order to keep from worrying. His father returns some eight months after his disappearance. During Hogsmeade weekends, he visits his family, but he's incredibly let down by the shell that is left of his father. As the summer draws on, his disappointment grows, and his relationship with his father grows tense. He senses something is off between his parents, but he's not sure what.
1889-1890 Fourth year approaches, and his father has moved out. While at school, he checks in regularly with his mother and sister. He becomes even more heavily involved in dueling club than previous years, truly excelling and finding his niche. It's a good outlet for the feelings he can't seem to express to other people. He slowly starts to drift back into being his more outgoing self, spending more time with friends like he had previously.
1890-1893 The president of dueling club has graduated, and he becomes its president for his fifth year and beyond. He is ecstatic and desperately wants to tell his father, but their communication remains strained. He holds back information he thinks he could receive mixed opinions on. His sister starts Hogwarts and is sorted into Slytherin. He makes it a priority to watch out for her. Fifth brings OWL exams, and he's on track to become an auror. His mother disapproves, but his mind is set. He has started to fall in love with Alice Dawson. He remains very close with his friend group all the way through graduation.
1894 He is about midway through his first year as an auror trainee. Alice has broken off contact with him, Sloane is dead, and his sister is at school without him. Ned tries to adjust to this new life the best he can.
Pragmatic. Even-tempered. Easy to talk to. Introverted, but more outgoing among friends where he lets down his guard and allows himself to goof off. Motivated. Loyal. Willing to take (calculated) risks. Athletic, but he only plays club sports. Excels at Defense Against the Dark Arts. Helpful to younger people. He was a bit more jubilant at the beginning of his Hogwarts career. Ever since the mess with his father, he has become a little more subdued. He likes to pretend it's because he's just decided to focus more on his studies.